范例 2:与动态复本直接连接

There are no changes to be made on the source side, as a dynamic 复本 only impacts how the requestor node acquires the replica. So, we use the source-side code shown in 范例 1 .

  1. Add replica generation to the project.

    Because the replica is dynamically acquired, no .rep file is required unlike in 范例 1 .

  2. Create the remote node and connect it to the source host node.

    The code for this step is unchanged from 范例 1 .

    QRemoteObjectNode repNode; // create remote object node
    repNode.connectToNode(QUrl(QStringLiteral("local:switch"))); // connect with remote host node
  3. Acquire a replica of the remote source object.

    main.cpp ,使用 QSharedPointer to hold a replica of the remote object, and then instantiate a replica requestor object:

    #include <QCoreApplication>
    #include "dynamicclient.h"
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
        QSharedPointer<QRemoteObjectDynamicReplica> ptr; // shared pointer to hold replica
        QRemoteObjectNode repNode;
        ptr.reset(repNode.acquireDynamic("SimpleSwitch")); // acquire replica of source from host node
        DynamicClient rswitch(ptr); // create client switch object and pass replica reference to it

The complete declaration and definition of the requestor class, DynamicClient , is as follows:


#include <QObject>
#include <QSharedPointer>
#include <QRemoteObjectNode>
#include <qremoteobjectdynamicreplica.h>
class DynamicClient : public QObject
    DynamicClient(QSharedPointer<QRemoteObjectDynamicReplica> ptr);
    void echoSwitchState(bool switchState);// this signal is connected with server_slot(..) slot of source object and echoes back switch state received from source
public Q_SLOTS:
    void recSwitchState_slot(); // Slot to receive source state
    void initConnection_slot(); //Slot to connect signals/slot on replica initialization
    bool clientSwitchState; // holds received server switch state
    QSharedPointer<QRemoteObjectDynamicReplica> reptr;// holds reference to replica


#include "dynamicclient.h"
// constructor
DynamicClient::DynamicClient(QSharedPointer<QRemoteObjectDynamicReplica> ptr) :
    QObject(nullptr), reptr(ptr)
    //connect signal for replica valid changed with signal slot initialization
    QObject::connect(reptr.data(), &QRemoteObjectDynamicReplica::initialized, this,
// Function to initialize connections between slots and signals
void DynamicClient::initConnection_slot()
    // connect source replica signal currStateChanged() with client's recSwitchState() slot to receive source's current state
   QObject::connect(reptr.data(), SIGNAL(currStateChanged()), this, SLOT(recSwitchState_slot()));
   // connect client's echoSwitchState(..) signal with replica's server_slot(..) to echo back received state
   QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(echoSwitchState(bool)),reptr.data(), SLOT(server_slot(bool)));
void DynamicClient::recSwitchState_slot()
   clientSwitchState = reptr->property("currState").toBool(); // use replica property to get currState from source
   qDebug() << "Received source state " << clientSwitchState;
   Q_EMIT echoSwitchState(clientSwitchState); // Emit signal to echo received state back to server

When run together with the source-side example, the output is identical to 范例 1 .