QXmlParseException 类

QXmlParseException 类用于报告错误采用 QXmlErrorHandler 接口。 更多...

头: #include <QXmlParseException>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core5Compat)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Core5Compat)
qmake: QT += core5compat

注意: 此类的所有函数 可重入 .


QXmlParseException (const QString & name = QString(), int c = -1, int l = -1, const QString & p = QString(), const QString & s = QString())
QXmlParseException (const QXmlParseException & other )
~QXmlParseException ()
int columnNumber () const
int lineNumber () const
QString message () const
QString publicId () const
QString systemId () const


The XML subsystem constructs an instance of this class when it detects an error. You can retrieve the place where the error occurred using systemId (), publicId (), lineNumber () 和 columnNumber (), along with the error message (). The possible error messages are:

  • "no error occurred"
  • "error triggered by consumer"
  • "unexpected end of file"
  • "more than one document type definition"
  • "error occurred while parsing element"
  • "tag mismatch"
  • "error occurred while parsing content"
  • "unexpected character"
  • "invalid name for processing instruction"
  • "version expected while reading the XML declaration"
  • "wrong value for standalone declaration"
  • "encoding declaration or standalone declaration expected while reading the XML declaration"
  • "standalone declaration expected while reading the XML declaration"
  • "error occurred while parsing document type definition"
  • "letter is expected"
  • "error occurred while parsing comment"
  • "error occurred while parsing reference"
  • "internal general entity reference not allowed in DTD"
  • "external parsed general entity reference not allowed in attribute value"
  • "external parsed general entity reference not allowed in DTD"
  • "unparsed entity reference n wrong context"
  • "recursive entities"
  • "error in the text declaration of an external entity"

Note that, if you want to display these error messages to your application's users, they will be displayed in English unless they are explicitly translated.

另请参阅 QXmlErrorHandler and QXmlReader .


[explicit] QXmlParseException:: QXmlParseException (const QString & name = QString(), int c = -1, int l = -1, const QString & p = QString(), const QString & s = QString())

Constructs a parse exception with the error string name for column c and line l for the public identifier p and the system identifier s .

QXmlParseException:: QXmlParseException (const QXmlParseException & other )

创建副本为 other .

QXmlParseException:: ~QXmlParseException ()

销毁 QXmlParseException .

int QXmlParseException:: columnNumber () const

Returns the column number where the error occurred.

int QXmlParseException:: lineNumber () const

Returns the line number where the error occurred.

QString QXmlParseException:: message () const

Returns the error message.

QString QXmlParseException:: publicId () const

Returns the public identifier where the error occurred.

QString QXmlParseException:: systemId () const

Returns the system identifier where the error occurred.