QVoice Class

The QVoice class represents a particular voice. 更多...

头: #include <QVoice>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS TextToSpeech)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::TextToSpeech)
qmake: QT += texttospeech


enum Age { Child, Teenager, Adult, Senior, Other }
enum Gender { Male, Female, Unknown }



QVoice ()
QVoice (const QVoice & other )
QVoice (QVoice && other )
~QVoice ()
QVoice::Age age () const
QVoice::Gender gender () const
QLocale locale () const
QString name () const
void swap (QVoice & other )
QVoice & operator= (const QVoice & other )
QVoice & operator= (QVoice && other )


QString ageName (QVoice::Age age )
QString genderName (QVoice::Gender gender )
bool operator!= (const QVoice & lhs , const QVoice & rhs )
QDataStream & operator<< (QDataStream & stream , const QVoice & voice )
QDebug operator<< (QDebug debug , const QVoice & voice )
bool operator== (const QVoice & lhs , const QVoice & rhs )
QDataStream & operator>> (QDataStream & stream , QVoice & voice )


To get a voice that is supported by the current text-to-speech engine, use QTextToSpeech::availableVoices ().


enum QVoice:: Age

The age of a voice.

常量 描述
QVoice::Child 0 Voice of a child
QVoice::Teenager 1 Voice of a teenager
QVoice::Adult 2 Voice of an adult
QVoice::Senior 3 Voice of a senior
QVoice::Other 4 Voice of unknown age

enum QVoice:: Gender

The gender of a voice.

常量 描述
QVoice::Male 0 Voice of a male
QVoice::Female 1 Voice of a female
QVoice::Unknown 2 Voice of unknown gender


[read-only] age : const Age

This property holds the age of a voice


QVoice::Age age () const

[read-only] gender : const Gender

This property holds the gender of a voice


QVoice::Gender gender () const

[read-only, since 6.4] locale : const QLocale

This property holds the locale of the voice

The locale includes the language and the territory (i.e. accent or dialect) of the voice.

该特性在 Qt 6。4 引入。


QLocale locale () const

[read-only] name : const QString

This property holds the name of a voice


QString 名称 () const


QVoice:: QVoice ()

Constructs an empty QVoice.

QVoice:: QVoice (const QVoice & other )

Copy-constructs a QVoice from other .

QVoice:: QVoice ( QVoice && other )

Constructs a QVoice object by moving from other .

QVoice:: ~QVoice ()

销毁 QVoice 实例。

[static] QString QVoice:: ageName ( QVoice::Age age )

Returns a string representing the age class of a voice.

[static] QString QVoice:: genderName ( QVoice::Gender gender )

̈́ Returns the gender name of a voice.

[since 6.4] void QVoice:: swap ( QVoice & other )

交换 other with this voice. This operation is very fast and never fails.

该函数在 Qt 6.4 引入。

QVoice &QVoice:: operator= (const QVoice & other )

赋值 other 到此 QVoice 对象。

QVoice &QVoice:: operator= ( QVoice && other )

移动 other 到此 QVoice 对象。


bool operator!= (const QVoice & lhs , const QVoice & rhs )

Returns whether the lhs voice and the rhs voice are different.

[since 6.4] QDataStream & operator<< ( QDataStream & stream , const QVoice & voice )

Serializes voice to data stream stream .

该函数在 Qt 6.4 引入。

另请参阅 序列化 Qt 数据类型 .

[since 6.4] QDebug operator<< ( QDebug debug , const QVoice & voice )

Writes information about voicedebug stream.

该函数在 Qt 6.4 引入。

另请参阅 QDebug .

bool operator== (const QVoice & lhs , const QVoice & rhs )

Returns whether the lhs voice and the rhs voice are identical.

Two voices are identical if name , locale , gender ,和 age are identical, and if they belong to the same text-to-speech engine.

[since 6.4] QDataStream & operator>> ( QDataStream & stream , QVoice & voice )

Deserializes voice from data stream stream .

该函数在 Qt 6.4 引入。

另请参阅 序列化 Qt 数据类型 .