QtROClientFactory 类

保持 Qt Remote Objects 网络可用客户端后端有关信息的类。 更多...

头: #include <QtROClientFactory>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS RemoteObjects)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::RemoteObjects)
qmake: QT += remoteobjects
void qRegisterRemoteObjectsClient (const QString & id )



template <typename T> void qRegisterRemoteObjectsClient (const QString & id )

Registers the Remote Objects client id 为类型 T .

If you need a custom transport protocol for Qt Remote Objects, you need to register the client & server implementation here.

注意: 此函数要求 T is a fully defined type at the point where the function is called.

此范例注册类 CustomClientIo as "myprotocol" :


With this in place, you can now instantiate nodes using this new custom protocol:

QRemoteObjectNode client(QUrl(QStringLiteral("myprotocol:registry")));

另请参阅 qRegisterRemoteObjectsServer .