QtRemoteObjects Namespace

The QtRemoteObjects namespace contains identifiers used in the Remote Objects module, as well as some functions used from code generated by the Replica Compiler (repc) . 更多...

头: #include <QtRemoteObjects>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS RemoteObjects)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::RemoteObjects)
qmake: QT += remoteobjects


enum InitialAction { FetchRootSize, PrefetchData }



enum QtRemoteObjects:: InitialAction

This enum type specifies the initial action when acquiring a 复本 derived from QAbstractItemModel .

常量 描述
QtRemoteObjects::FetchRootSize 0 Only the size of the model is requested before the initialized signal is emitted, no data will be prefetched before that.
QtRemoteObjects::PrefetchData 1 Some data can be prefetched before the initialized 信号被发射。

另请参阅 QRemoteObjectNode::acquireModel () 和 QRemoteObjectReplica::initialized ().