Qt Virtual Keyboard API for Advanced Use Cases

These QML types fall under the categories of virtual keyboard plugin vendors, style providers, and keyboard layouts. They should not be used by application or middleware.


QML 类型

KeyIcon 具有可调节颜色的键图标
KeyPanel A base type of the styled keys
KeyboardStyle Provides a styling interface for the Virtual Keyboard
SelectionListItem A base type for selection list item delegates
TraceCanvas A specialized Canvas type for rendering Trace objects
TraceInputKeyPanel 跟踪输入键的基类型


QML 类型

BackspaceKey Backspace key for keyboard layouts
BaseKey Common parent for all key types
ChangeLanguageKey Change language key for keyboard layouts
EnterKey Enter key for keyboard layouts
FillerKey Filler key for keyboard layouts
FlickKey Flick key for keyboard layouts
HandwritingModeKey Hand writing mode key for keyboard layouts
HideKeyboardKey Hide keyboard key for keyboard layouts
InputModeKey Input mode key for keyboard layouts
Key Regular character key for keyboard layouts
KeyboardColumn Keyboard column for keyboard layouts
KeyboardLayout Keyboard layout
KeyboardLayoutLoader Allows dynamic loading of keyboard layout
KeyboardRow Keyboard row for keyboard layouts
ModeKey Generic mode key for keyboard layouts
NumberKey Specialized number key for keyboard layouts
ShiftKey Shift key for keyboard layouts
SpaceKey Space key for keyboard layouts
SymbolModeKey Symbol mode key for keyboard layouts
TraceInputArea A specialized MultiPointTouchArea for collecting touch input data
TraceInputKey A specialized key for collecting touch input data

C++ types

QVirtualKeyboardAbstractInputMethod 用于输入法的基类
QVirtualKeyboardInputContext Provides access to an input context
QVirtualKeyboardInputEngine InputEngine class provides an input engine that supports C++ and QML integration
QVirtualKeyboardObserver Acts as a hub for keyboard event notifications
QVirtualKeyboardSelectionListModel List model for selection lists
QVirtualKeyboardTrace Trace is a data model for touch input data
QtVirtualKeyboard 包含用于虚拟键盘类的枚举
QtVirtualKeyboard::KeyType Key type for the virtual keyboard key
QtVirtualKeyboard::KeyboardFunction Specifies a keyboard function to be executed by the virtual keyboard