KeyPanel QML Type

A base type of the styled keys. 更多...

导入语句: import QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard.Styles
继承: Item



All the key delegates provided by the style should be based on this type.


control : Item

提供对特性的访问在 BaseKey .


  • control.key Unicode code of the key.
  • control.text Unicode text of the key.
  • control.displayText Display text of the key.
  • control.smallText Small text of the key, usually rendered in the corner of the key.
  • control.smallTextVisible Visibility of the small text.
  • control.alternativeKeys List of alternative key sequences.
  • control.enabled Set to true when the key is enabled.
  • control.pressed Set to true when the key is currently pressed.
  • control.uppercased Set to true when the key is uppercased.

[since QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard.Styles 1.1] soundEffect : url

Sets the sound effect to be played on key press.

This property was introduced in QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard.Styles 1.1.