QtProtobuf Namespace

The QtProtobuf namespace contains type aliases and classes needed to support QtProtobuf. 更多...

头: #include <QtProtobuf>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Protobuf)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Protobuf)
Since: Qt 6.5


enum class WireTypes { Unknown, Varint, Fixed64, LengthDelimited, StartGroup, …, Fixed32 }


void qRegisterProtobufTypes ()
bool repeatedValueCompare (const QList<std::shared_ptr<T>> & a , const QList<std::shared_ptr<T>> & b )
bool repeatedValueCompare (const QHash<K, V> & a , const QHash<K, V> & b )



enum class QtProtobuf:: WireTypes

The WireTypes enumeration reflects protobuf default wiretypes.

The following table shows the values in the enumeration and their corresponding types:

常量 描述
QtProtobuf::WireTypes::Unknown -1 Invalid wire type
QtProtobuf::WireTypes::Varint 0 int32, int64, uint32, uint64, sint32, sint64, bool, enum
QtProtobuf::WireTypes::Fixed64 1 fixed64, sfixed64, double
QtProtobuf::WireTypes::LengthDelimited 2 string, bytes, embedded messages, packed repeated fields
QtProtobuf::WireTypes::StartGroup 3 groups. Deprecated in proto syntax 3. Not supported by QtProtobuf .
QtProtobuf::WireTypes::EndGroup 4 groups. Deprecated in proto syntax 3. Not supported by QtProtobuf .
QtProtobuf::WireTypes::Fixed32 5 fixed32, sfixed32, float

另请参阅 encoding .

[alias] QtProtobuf:: boolList

Alias for a list of bool.

[alias] QtProtobuf:: doubleList

Alias for a list of double.

[alias] QtProtobuf:: fixed32

fixed32 is an unsigned 32-bit integer that is represented in protobuf as a fixed size 32-bit field, an alias for WireTypes::Fixed32 .

[alias] QtProtobuf:: fixed64

fixed64 is an unsigned 64-bit integer that is represented in protobuf as a fixed size 64-bit field, an alias for WireTypes::Fixed64 .

[alias] QtProtobuf:: fixed32List

Alias for a list of QtProtobuf::fixed32.

[alias] QtProtobuf:: fixed64List

Alias for a list of QtProtobuf::fixed64.

[alias] QtProtobuf:: floatList

Alias for a list of float.

[alias] QtProtobuf:: int32

int32 is a regular signed 32-bit integer that is represented in protobuf as a variable size integer, an alias for WireTypes::Varint .

[alias] QtProtobuf:: int64

int64 is a regular signed 64-bit integer that is represented in protobuf as a variable size integer, an alias for WireTypes::Varint .

[alias] QtProtobuf:: int32List

Alias for a list of QtProtobuf::int32.

[alias] QtProtobuf:: int64List

Alias for a list of QtProtobuf::int64.

[alias] QtProtobuf:: sfixed32

sfixed32 is a signed 32-bit integer that is represented in protobuf as a fixed size 32-bit field, an alias for WireTypes::Fixed32 .

[alias] QtProtobuf:: sfixed64

sfixed64 is a signed 64-bit integer that is represented in protobuf as a fixed size 64-bit field, an alias for WireTypes::Fixed64 .

[alias] QtProtobuf:: sfixed32List

Alias for a list of QtProtobuf::sfixed32.

[alias] QtProtobuf:: sfixed64List

Alias for a list of QtProtobuf::sfixed64.

[alias] QtProtobuf:: sint32

sint32 is a 32-bit integer with forced sign marker that is represented in protobuf as variable size integer, an alias for WireTypes::Varint . sint32 is serialized using ZigZag conversion to reduce size of negative numbers.

另请参阅 signed-integers .

[alias] QtProtobuf:: sint64

sint64 is a 64-bit integer with forced sign marker that is represented in protobuf as variable size integer, an alias for WireTypes::Varint . sint64 is serialized using ZigZag conversion to reduce size of negative numbers.

另请参阅 signed-integers .

[alias] QtProtobuf:: sint32List

Alias for a list of QtProtobuf::sint32.

[alias] QtProtobuf:: sint64List

Alias for a list of QtProtobuf::sint64.

[alias] QtProtobuf:: uint32

uint32 is an unsigned 32-bit integer that is represented in protobuf as variable size integer, an alias for WireTypes::Varint .

[alias] QtProtobuf:: uint64

uint64 is an unsigned 64-bit integer that is represented in protobuf as variable size integer, an alias for WireTypes::Varint .

[alias] QtProtobuf:: uint32List

Alias for a list of QtProtobuf::uint32.

[alias] QtProtobuf:: uint64List

Alias for a list of QtProtobuf::uint64.


template <typename K, typename V> bool QtProtobuf:: repeatedValueCompare (const QHash < K , V > & a , const QHash < K , V > & b )

template <typename T> bool QtProtobuf:: repeatedValueCompare (const QList < std::shared_ptr < T >> & a , const QList < std::shared_ptr < T >> & b )

Compares two repeated fields (essentially a list) to each other. Returns true if the two fields are equal, false 否则。

These functions are used in the generated code to implement operator==.

void qRegisterProtobufTypes ()

Calling this function registers all, currently known, protobuf types with the serializer registry.

注意: You should not have to call this function manually, as it is called automatically upon attempting serialization or deserialization of a protobuf message.

template <typename T> bool QtProtobuf:: repeatedValueCompare (const QList < std::shared_ptr < T >> & a , const QList < std::shared_ptr < T >> & b )

template <typename K, typename V> bool QtProtobuf:: repeatedValueCompare (const QHash < K , V > & a , const QHash < K , V > & b )