Qt OPC UA C++ Classes

提供 Qt OPC UA 功能的 C++ 类列表。 更多...


QOpcUa::NodeIds 此名称空间包含具有已知节点 ID 的枚举

QOpcUaAddNodeItem This class stores the necessary information to create a new node on the server
QOpcUaAddReferenceItem This class stores the necessary information to add a new reference on the server
QOpcUaApplicationDescription OPC UA ApplicationDescription
QOpcUaApplicationIdentity Defines the identity of the application
QOpcUaApplicationRecordDataType OPC UA ApplicationRecordDataType
QOpcUaArgument OPC UA Argument 类型
QOpcUaAttributeOperand OPC UA AttributeOperand type
QOpcUaAuthenticationInformation OPC UA authentication information
QOpcUaAxisInformation OPC UA AxisInformation type
QOpcUaBinaryDataEncoding Partial implementation of the OPC UA binary data encoding described in OPC-UA part 6
QOpcUaBrowsePathTarget OPC UA BrowsePathTarget
QOpcUaBrowseRequest 包含用于调用 OPC UA 浏览服务的参数
QOpcUaClient Allows interaction with an OPC UA server
QOpcUaComplexNumber OPC UA ComplexNumber 类型
QOpcUaContentFilterElement OPC UA ContentFilterElement
QOpcUaContentFilterElementResult OPC UA ContentFilterElementResult
QOpcUaDataValue This class stores OPC UA value data and associated metadata
QOpcUaDeleteReferenceItem This class stores the necessary information to delete a reference from the server
QOpcUaDoubleComplexNumber OPC UA DoubleComplexNumber type
QOpcUaEUInformation OPC UA EURange type
QOpcUaElementOperand OPC UA ElementOperand type
QOpcUaEndpointDescription OPC UA EndpointDescription
QOpcUaErrorState Allows investigation and interaction with error state from backends
QOpcUaEventFilterResult OPCUA EventFilterResult
QOpcUaExpandedNodeId OPC UA ExpandedNodeId
QOpcUaExtensionObject OPC UA ExtensionObject
QOpcUaGdsClient Handles communication with the GDS Server
QOpcUaHistoryData This class stores historical data values from a node
QOpcUaHistoryReadRawRequest This class stores the necessary information to request historic data from a server
QOpcUaHistoryReadResponse This class is used for requesting historical data and storing the results
QOpcUaKeyPair Handles private and public key pairs
QOpcUaLiteralOperand OPC UA LiteralOperand type
QOpcUaLocalizedText OPC UA LocalizedText type
QOpcUaMonitoringParameters Way to set and retrieve parameters for subscriptions and monitored items
QOpcUaMonitoringParameters::DataChangeFilter Defines a DataChangeFilter for a monitored item
QOpcUaMonitoringParameters::EventFilter Defines an EventFilter for a monitored item
QOpcUaMultiDimensionalArray A container class for multidimensional arrays
QOpcUaNode Allows interaction with an OPC UA node
QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes This class manages attribute values for node creation
QOpcUaPkiConfiguration Defines the PKI configuration of the application
QOpcUaProvider Creates an instance of QOpcUaClient
QOpcUaQualifiedName OPC UA QualifiedName type
QOpcUaRange OPC UA Range 类型
QOpcUaReadItem This class stores the options for a read operation
QOpcUaReadResult This class stores the result of a read operation
QOpcUaReferenceDescription Contains information about a node
QOpcUaRelativePathElement OPC UA RelativePathElement
QOpcUaSimpleAttributeOperand OPC UA SimpleAttributeOperand type
QOpcUaUserTokenPolicy OPC UA UserTokenPolicy
QOpcUaWriteItem This class stores the options for a write operation
QOpcUaWriteResult This class stores the result of a write operation
QOpcUaX509CertificateSigningRequest Create a certificate signing request
QOpcUaX509DistinguishedName Information about a distinguished name item
QOpcUaX509Extension Base class for all X509 extensions
QOpcUaX509ExtensionBasicConstraints Class for X509 basic constraints
QOpcUaX509ExtensionExtendedKeyUsage Class for X509 extended key usage
QOpcUaX509ExtensionKeyUsage Class for X509 extended key usage
QOpcUaX509ExtensionSubjectAlternativeName Class for an X509 subject alternative name
QOpcUaXValue OPC UA XVType


有关 Qt OPC UA 模块的更多信息,见 Qt OPC UA 模块文档编制。