The Qt OPC UA module implements a Qt API to interact with OPC UA on top of a 3rd party OPC UA stack.
The stacks are integrated as plugins and can be selected at runtime. Currently, the following implementations are supported:
The QML API is still in development but are available as a technology preview. This means those parts are unstable, likely to change, and provided as a convenience only.
QML 类型
are available through the
导入。要使用类型,添加以下 import 语句到 .qml 文件:
import QtOpcUa as QtOpcUa
使用 C++ API 要求直接或透过其它依赖链接到模块库。一些构建工具对此提供专用支持,包括 CMake 和 qmake。
命令以在 Qt6 包中定位所需的模块组件:
find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS OpcUa) target_link_libraries(mytarget Qt::OpcUa)
要配置采用 qmake 构建模块,把模块作为 Qt 变量的值添加到工程 .pro 文件中:
QT += opcua