
Compiles Qt Linguist .ts files into .qm files.

The command is defined in the LinguistTools 组件对于 Qt6 package. Load the package with:

find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS LinguistTools)

警告: This function is deprecated. Consider using the target-based functions qt6_add_lrelease or qt6_add_translations 代替。


qt_add_translation(<VAR> file1.ts [file2.ts ...]
                    [OPTIONS ...])

versionless commands are disabled, use qt6_add_translation instead. It supports the same set of arguments as this command.


调用 lrelease on each .ts file passed as an argument, generating .qm files. The paths of the generated files are added to <VAR> .


可以设置额外 OPTIONS that should be passed when lrelease is invoked. You can find possible options in the lrelease documentation .

默认情况下, qm files will be placed in the current build directory ( CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR ). To change this, you can set OUTPUT_LOCATION as a property of the source .ts 文件。

For example, with the following code, the .qm files are generated in a translations directory below the current build directory.

set_source_files_properties(app_en.ts app_de.ts


Generating helloworld_en.qm , helloworld_de.qm in the build directory:

qt_add_translation(qmFiles helloworld_en.ts helloworld_de.ts)

Generating helloworld_en.qm , helloworld_de.qm l10n sub-directory:

set(TS_FILES helloworld_en.ts helloworld_de.ts)
set_source_files_properties(${TS_FILES} PROPERTIES OUTPUT_LOCATION "l10n")
qt_add_translation(qmFiles ${TS_FILES})