
Add targets to transform Qt Linguist .ts files into .qm files.

The command is defined in the LinguistTools 组件对于 Qt6 package. Load the package with:

find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS LinguistTools)

This command was introduced in Qt 6.2.


qt_add_lrelease(target TS_FILES file1.ts [file2.ts ...]
                [QM_FILES_OUTPUT_VARIABLE variable-name]
                [OPTIONS ...])

versionless commands are disabled, use qt6_add_lrelease() instead. It supports the same set of arguments as this command.

警告: 调用 qt_add_lrelease in a directory scope different than the target directory scope requires at least CMake version 3.18.


Creates a target ${target}_lrelease to transform .ts files into .qm files with lrelease .

参数 target is an existing executable or library target that contains sources with translatable strings.

The .ts files must be specified with the argument TS_FILES .

This function is designed to be used in conjunction with qt_add_lupdate . See also the convenience wrapper qt_add_translations .


可以设置额外 OPTIONS that should be passed when lrelease is invoked. You can find possible options in the lrelease documentation .

默认情况下, .qm files will be placed in the current build directory ( CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR ). To change this, you can set OUTPUT_LOCATION as a property of the source .ts 文件。

For example, with the following code, the .qm files are generated in a translations directory below the current build directory.

set_source_files_properties(app_en.ts app_de.ts

Processing Generated .qm Files

To further process the generated .qm files, for example to create install rules, qt_add_lrelease can store the paths of the .qm files in a variable. Pass QM_FILES_OUTPUT_VARIABLE <variable-name> to the function for that.

Build by Default

By default, the command makes ${target} depend on ${target}_lrelease . This ensures that the .qm files are always up-to-date when ${target} is built. This behavior can be turned off with NO_TARGET_DEPENDENCY . In this case, the user must build the ${target}_lrelease target manually.

Umbrella Target

In addition to the target ${target}_lrelease , an umbrella target release_translations is created. This target will build all ${target}_lrelease targets that were created with qt_add_lrelease .

Pass NO_GLOBAL_TARGET to qt_add_lrelease to prevent this behavior.

The name of this target can be overridden by setting the variable QT_GLOBAL_LRELEASE_TARGET before calling qt_add_lrelease .


Add the targets myapp_lrelease and update_translations for updating the .ts file of an application myapp . Also, install the generated .qm 文件。

    TS_FILES myapp_de.ts
install(FILES ${qm_files} DESTINATION "translations")