QTextLayout 类

QTextLayout 类用于布置和渲染文本。 更多...

头: #include <QTextLayout>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Gui)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Gui)
qmake: QT += gui

注意: 此类的所有函数 可重入 .


struct FormatRange
enum CursorMode { SkipCharacters, SkipWords }
enum GlyphRunRetrievalFlag { RetrieveGlyphIndexes, RetrieveGlyphPositions, RetrieveStringIndexes, RetrieveString, RetrieveAll }
flags GlyphRunRetrievalFlags


QTextLayout ()
QTextLayout (const QString & text )
QTextLayout (const QString & text , const QFont & font , const QPaintDevice * paintdevice = nullptr)
~QTextLayout ()
void beginLayout ()
QRectF boundingRect () const
bool cacheEnabled () const
void clearFormats ()
void clearLayout ()
QTextLine createLine ()
Qt::CursorMoveStyle cursorMoveStyle () const
void draw (QPainter * p , const QPointF & pos , const QList<QTextLayout::FormatRange> & selections = QList<FormatRange>(), const QRectF & clip = QRectF()) const
void drawCursor (QPainter * painter , const QPointF & position , int cursorPosition , int width ) const
void drawCursor (QPainter * painter , const QPointF & position , int cursorPosition ) const
void endLayout ()
QFont font () const
QList<QTextLayout::FormatRange> 格式 () const
QList<QGlyphRun> glyphRuns (int from , int length , QTextLayout::GlyphRunRetrievalFlags retrievalFlags ) const
QList<QGlyphRun> glyphRuns (int from = -1, int length = -1) const
bool isValidCursorPosition (int pos ) const
int leftCursorPosition (int oldPos ) const
QTextLine lineAt (int i ) const
int lineCount () const
QTextLine lineForTextPosition (int pos ) const
qreal maximumWidth () const
qreal minimumWidth () const
int nextCursorPosition (int oldPos , QTextLayout::CursorMode mode = SkipCharacters) const
QPointF position () const
int preeditAreaPosition () const
QString preeditAreaText () const
int previousCursorPosition (int oldPos , QTextLayout::CursorMode mode = SkipCharacters) const
int rightCursorPosition (int oldPos ) const
void setCacheEnabled (bool enable )
void setCursorMoveStyle (Qt::CursorMoveStyle style )
void setFont (const QFont & font )
void setFormats (const QList<QTextLayout::FormatRange> & 格式 )
void setPosition (const QPointF & p )
void setPreeditArea (int position , const QString & text )
void setText (const QString & string )
void setTextOption (const QTextOption & option )
QString text () const
const QTextOption & textOption () const


It offers many features expected from a modern text layout engine, including Unicode compliant rendering, line breaking and handling of cursor positioning. It can also produce and render device independent layout, something that is important for WYSIWYG applications.

The class has a rather low level API and unless you intend to implement your own text rendering for some specialized widget, you probably won't need to use it directly.

QTextLayout can be used with both plain and rich text.

QTextLayout can be used to create a sequence of QTextLine instances with given widths and can position them independently on the screen. Once the layout is done, these lines can be drawn on a paint device.

The text to be laid out can be provided in the constructor or set with setText ().

The layout can be seen as a sequence of QTextLine objects; use createLine () 以创建 QTextLine instance, and lineAt () 或 lineForTextPosition () to retrieve created lines.

Here is a code snippet that demonstrates the layout phase:

int leading = fontMetrics.leading();
qreal height = 0;
while (true) {
    QTextLine line = textLayout.createLine();
    if (!line.isValid())
    height += leading;
    line.setPosition(QPointF(0, height));
    height += line.height();

The text can then be rendered by calling the layout's draw () 函数:

QPainter painter(this);
textLayout.draw(&painter, QPoint(0, 0));

It is also possible to draw each line individually, for instance to draw the last line that fits into a widget elided:

QPainter painter(this);
QFontMetrics fontMetrics = painter.fontMetrics();
int lineSpacing = fontMetrics.lineSpacing();
int y = 0;
QTextLayout textLayout(content, painter.font());
while (true) {
    QTextLine line = textLayout.createLine();
    if (!line.isValid())
    const int nextLineY = y + lineSpacing;
    if (height() >= nextLineY + lineSpacing) {
        line.draw(&painter, QPoint(0, y));
        y = nextLineY;
    } else {
        const QString lastLine = content.mid(line.textStart());
        const QString elidedLastLine = fontMetrics.elidedText(lastLine, Qt::ElideRight, width());
        painter.drawText(QPoint(0, y + fontMetrics.ascent()), elidedLastLine);
        line = textLayout.createLine();

For a given position in the text you can find a valid cursor position with isValidCursorPosition (), nextCursorPosition (),和 previousCursorPosition ().

The QTextLayout itself can be positioned with setPosition (); it has a boundingRect (), and a minimumWidth () 和 maximumWidth ().

另请参阅 QStaticText .


enum QTextLayout:: CursorMode

QTextLayout::SkipCharacters 0
QTextLayout::SkipWords 1

[since 6.5] enum QTextLayout:: GlyphRunRetrievalFlag
flags QTextLayout:: GlyphRunRetrievalFlags

GlyphRunRetrievalFlag specifies flags passed to the glyphRuns () functions to determine which properties of the layout are returned in the QGlyphRun objects. Since each property will consume memory and may require additional allocations, it is a good practice to only request the properties you will need to access later.

常量 描述
QTextLayout::RetrieveGlyphIndexes 0x1 Retrieves the indexes in the font which correspond to the glyphs.
QTextLayout::RetrieveGlyphPositions 0x2 Retrieves the relative positions of the glyphs in the layout.
QTextLayout::RetrieveStringIndexes 0x4 Retrieves the indexes in the original string that correspond to each of the glyphs.
QTextLayout::RetrieveString 0x8 Retrieves the original source string from the layout.
QTextLayout::RetrieveAll 0xffff Retrieves all available properties of the layout.

该枚举在 Qt 6.5 引入 (或被修改)。

The GlyphRunRetrievalFlags type is a typedef for QFlags <GlyphRunRetrievalFlag>. It stores an OR combination of GlyphRunRetrievalFlag values.

另请参阅 glyphRuns () 和 QTextLine::glyphRuns ().


QTextLayout:: QTextLayout ()

Constructs an empty text layout.

另请参阅 setText ().

QTextLayout:: QTextLayout (const QString & text )

Constructs a text layout to lay out the given text .

QTextLayout:: QTextLayout (const QString & text , const QFont & font , const QPaintDevice * paintdevice = nullptr)

Constructs a text layout to lay out the given text 采用指定 font .

All the metric and layout calculations will be done in terms of the paint device, paintdevice 。若 paintdevice is nullptr the calculations will be done in screen metrics.

QTextLayout:: ~QTextLayout ()

Destructs the layout.

void QTextLayout:: beginLayout ()

Begins the layout process.

警告: This will invalidate the layout, so all existing QTextLine objects that refer to the previous contents should now be discarded.

另请参阅 endLayout ().

QRectF QTextLayout:: boundingRect () const

The smallest rectangle that contains all the lines in the layout.

bool QTextLayout:: cacheEnabled () const

返回 true if the complete layout information is cached; otherwise returns false .

另请参阅 setCacheEnabled ().

void QTextLayout:: clearFormats ()

Clears the list of additional formats supported by the text layout.

另请参阅 格式 () 和 setFormats ().

void QTextLayout:: clearLayout ()

Clears the line information in the layout. After having called this function, lineCount () returns 0.

警告: This will invalidate the layout, so all existing QTextLine objects that refer to the previous contents should now be discarded.

QTextLine QTextLayout:: createLine ()

Returns a new text line to be laid out if there is text to be inserted into the layout; otherwise returns an invalid text line.

The text layout creates a new line object that starts after the last line in the layout, or at the beginning if the layout is empty. The layout maintains an internal cursor, and each line is filled with text from the cursor position onwards when the QTextLine::setLineWidth () 函数被调用。

一旦 QTextLine::setLineWidth () is called, a new line can be created and filled with text. Repeating this process will lay out the whole block of text contained in the QTextLayout . If there is no text left to be inserted into the layout, the QTextLine returned will not be valid (isValid() will return false).

Qt::CursorMoveStyle QTextLayout:: cursorMoveStyle () const

The cursor movement style of this QTextLayout 。默认为 Qt::LogicalMoveStyle .

另请参阅 setCursorMoveStyle ().

void QTextLayout:: draw ( QPainter * p , const QPointF & pos , const QList < QTextLayout::FormatRange > & selections = QList<FormatRange>(), const QRectF & clip = QRectF()) const

Draws the whole layout on the painter p at the position specified by pos . The rendered layout includes the given selections and is clipped within the rectangle specified by clip .

void QTextLayout:: drawCursor ( QPainter * painter , const QPointF & position , int cursorPosition , int width ) const

Draws a text cursor with the current pen and the specified width 在给定 position 使用 painter specified. The corresponding position within the text is specified by cursorPosition .

void QTextLayout:: drawCursor ( QPainter * painter , const QPointF & position , int cursorPosition ) const


Draws a text cursor with the current pen at the given position 使用 painter specified. The corresponding position within the text is specified by cursorPosition .

void QTextLayout:: endLayout ()

Ends the layout process.

另请参阅 beginLayout ().

QFont QTextLayout:: font () const

Returns the current font that is used for the layout, or a default font if none is set.

另请参阅 setFont ().

QList < QTextLayout::FormatRange > QTextLayout:: 格式 () const

Returns the list of additional formats supported by the text layout.

另请参阅 setFormats () 和 clearFormats ().

[since 6.5] QList < QGlyphRun > QTextLayout:: glyphRuns ( int from , int length , QTextLayout::GlyphRunRetrievalFlags retrievalFlags ) const


Returns the glyph indexes and positions for all glyphs corresponding to the length characters starting at the position from 在此 QTextLayout . This is an expensive function, and should not be called in a time sensitive context.

from is less than zero, then the glyph run will begin at the first character in the layout. If length is less than zero, it will span the entire string from the start position.

The retrievalFlags specifies which properties of the QGlyphRun will be retrieved from the layout. To minimize allocations and memory consumption, this should be set to include only the properties that you need to access later.

该函数在 Qt 6.5 引入。

另请参阅 draw () 和 QPainter::drawGlyphRun ().

QList < QGlyphRun > QTextLayout:: glyphRuns ( int from = -1, int length = -1) const


Returns the glyph indexes and positions for all glyphs corresponding to the length characters starting at the position from 在此 QTextLayout . This is an expensive function, and should not be called in a time sensitive context.

from is less than zero, then the glyph run will begin at the first character in the layout. If length is less than zero, it will span the entire string from the start position.

注意: This is equivalent to calling glyphRuns(from, length, QTextLayout::GlyphRunRetrievalFlag::GlyphIndexes | QTextLayout::GlyphRunRetrievalFlag::GlyphPositions).

另请参阅 draw () 和 QPainter::drawGlyphRun ().

bool QTextLayout:: isValidCursorPosition ( int pos ) const

返回 true if position pos is a valid cursor position.

In a Unicode context some positions in the text are not valid cursor positions, because the position is inside a Unicode surrogate or a grapheme cluster.

A grapheme cluster is a sequence of two or more Unicode characters that form one indivisible entity on the screen. For example the latin character `Ä' can be represented in Unicode by two characters, `A' (0x41), and the combining diaeresis (0x308). A text cursor can only validly be positioned before or after these two characters, never between them since that wouldn't make sense. In indic languages every syllable forms a grapheme cluster.

int QTextLayout:: leftCursorPosition ( int oldPos ) const

Returns the cursor position to the left of oldPos , next to it. It's dependent on the visual position of characters, after bi-directional reordering.

另请参阅 rightCursorPosition () 和 previousCursorPosition ().

QTextLine QTextLayout:: lineAt ( int i ) const

返回 i -th line of text in this text layout.

另请参阅 lineCount () 和 lineForTextPosition ().

int QTextLayout:: lineCount () const

Returns the number of lines in this text layout.

另请参阅 lineAt ().

QTextLine QTextLayout:: lineForTextPosition ( int pos ) const

Returns the line that contains the cursor position specified by pos .

另请参阅 isValidCursorPosition () 和 lineAt ().

qreal QTextLayout:: maximumWidth () const

The maximum width the layout could expand to; this is essentially the width of the entire text.

警告: This function only returns a valid value after the layout has been done.

另请参阅 minimumWidth ().

qreal QTextLayout:: minimumWidth () const

The minimum width the layout needs. This is the width of the layout's smallest non-breakable substring.

警告: This function only returns a valid value after the layout has been done.

另请参阅 maximumWidth ().

int QTextLayout:: nextCursorPosition ( int oldPos , QTextLayout::CursorMode mode = SkipCharacters) const

Returns the next valid cursor position after oldPos that respects the given cursor mode . Returns value of oldPos ,若 oldPos is not a valid cursor position.

另请参阅 isValidCursorPosition () 和 previousCursorPosition ().

QPointF QTextLayout:: position () const

The global position of the layout. This is independent of the bounding rectangle and of the layout process.

另请参阅 setPosition ().

int QTextLayout:: preeditAreaPosition () const

Returns the position of the area in the text layout that will be processed before editing occurs.

另请参阅 preeditAreaText ().

QString QTextLayout:: preeditAreaText () const

Returns the text that is inserted in the layout before editing occurs.

另请参阅 preeditAreaPosition ().

int QTextLayout:: previousCursorPosition ( int oldPos , QTextLayout::CursorMode mode = SkipCharacters) const

Returns the first valid cursor position before oldPos that respects the given cursor mode . Returns value of oldPos ,若 oldPos is not a valid cursor position.

另请参阅 isValidCursorPosition () 和 nextCursorPosition ().

int QTextLayout:: rightCursorPosition ( int oldPos ) const

Returns the cursor position to the right of oldPos , next to it. It's dependent on the visual position of characters, after bi-directional reordering.

另请参阅 leftCursorPosition () 和 nextCursorPosition ().

void QTextLayout:: setCacheEnabled ( bool enable )

Enables caching of the complete layout information if enable is true; otherwise disables layout caching. Usually QTextLayout throws most of the layouting information away after a call to endLayout () to reduce memory consumption. If you however want to draw the laid out text directly afterwards enabling caching might speed up drawing significantly.

另请参阅 cacheEnabled ().

void QTextLayout:: setCursorMoveStyle ( Qt::CursorMoveStyle style )

Sets the visual cursor movement style to the given style 。若 QTextLayout is backed by a document, you can ignore this and use the option in QTextDocument , this option is for widgets like QLineEdit or custom widgets without a QTextDocument . Default value is Qt::LogicalMoveStyle .

另请参阅 cursorMoveStyle ().

void QTextLayout:: setFont (const QFont & font )

Sets the layout's font to the given font . The layout is invalidated and must be laid out again.

另请参阅 font ().

void QTextLayout:: setFormats (const QList < QTextLayout::FormatRange > & 格式 )

Sets the additional formats supported by the text layout to formats . The formats are applied with preedit area text in place.

另请参阅 格式 () 和 clearFormats ().

void QTextLayout:: setPosition (const QPointF & p )

Moves the text layout to point p .

另请参阅 position ().

void QTextLayout:: setPreeditArea ( int position , const QString & text )

设置 position and text of the area in the layout that is processed before editing occurs. The layout is invalidated and must be laid out again.

另请参阅 preeditAreaPosition () 和 preeditAreaText ().

void QTextLayout:: setText (const QString & string )

Sets the layout's text to the given string . The layout is invalidated and must be laid out again.

Notice that when using this QTextLayout as part of a QTextDocument this method will have no effect.

另请参阅 text ().

void QTextLayout:: setTextOption (const QTextOption & option )

Sets the text option structure that controls the layout process to the given option .

另请参阅 textOption ().

QString QTextLayout:: text () const

Returns the layout's text.

另请参阅 setText ().

const QTextOption &QTextLayout:: textOption () const

Returns the current text option used to control the layout process.

另请参阅 setTextOption ().