ContextMenuRequest QML Type

A request for showing a context menu. 更多...

导入语句: import QtWebEngine
Since: QtWebEngine 1.4



A ContextMenuRequest is passed as an argument of the WebEngineView::contextMenuRequested signal. It provides further information about the context of the request. The position property provides the origin of the request.

The accepted property of the request indicates whether the request is handled by the user code or the default context menu should be displayed.

The following code uses a custom menu to handle the request:

WebEngineView {
    id: view
    // ...
    onContextMenuRequested: function(request) {
        request.accepted = true;
        myMenu.x = request.x;
        myMenu.y = request.y;
    // ...


accepted : bool

Indicates whether the context menu request has been handled by the signal handler.

If the property is false after any signal handlers for WebEngineView::contextMenuRequested have been executed, a default context menu will be shown. To prevent this, set request.accepted to true .

默认为 false .

注意: The default content of the context menu depends on the web element for which the request was actually generated.

[read-only, since QtWebEngine 1.7] editFlags : flags

The available edit operations in the current context or CanDoNone 如果没有动作可用。

常量 描述
ContextMenuRequest.CanUndo 撤销可用。
ContextMenuRequest.CanRedo 重做是可用的。
ContextMenuRequest.CanCut 剪切可用。
ContextMenuRequest.CanCopy 拷贝可用。
ContextMenuRequest.CanPaste 粘贴可用。
ContextMenuRequest.CanDelete 删除可用。
ContextMenuRequest.CanSelectAll 选择所有可用。
ContextMenuRequest.CanTranslate 翻译可用。
ContextMenuRequest.CanEditRichly 上下文富可编辑。

该特性在 QtWebEngine 1.7 引入。

[read-only] isContentEditable : bool

Indicates whether the selected web content is editable.

[read-only] linkText : string

The text of the link if the context menu was requested for a link.

[read-only] linkUrl : url

The URL of the link if the selected web page content is a link. It is not guaranteed to be a valid URL.

[read-only, since QtWebEngine 1.7] mediaFlags : flags

当前媒体元素的状态及其可用操作。 MediaNone 若选中网页内容不是媒体元素。

常量 描述
ContextMenuRequest.MediaInError 出现错误。
ContextMenuRequest.MediaPaused 媒体被暂停。
ContextMenuRequest.MediaMuted 媒体被静音。
ContextMenuRequest.MediaLoop 媒体可以循环。
ContextMenuRequest.MediaCanSave 媒体可以被保存。
ContextMenuRequest.MediaHasAudio 媒体有音频。
ContextMenuRequest.MediaCanToggleControls 媒体可以展示控件。
ContextMenuRequest.MediaControls 媒体控件被展示。
ContextMenuRequest.MediaCanPrint 媒体可打印。
ContextMenuRequest.MediaCanRotate 媒体可旋转。

该特性在 QtWebEngine 1.7 引入。

[read-only] mediaType : enumeration

The type of the media element or MediaTypeNone 若选中网页内容不是媒体元素。

常量 描述
ContextMenuRequest.MediaTypeNone Not a media.
ContextMenuRequest.MediaTypeImage An image.
ContextMenuRequest.MediaTypeVideo A video.
ContextMenuRequest.MediaTypeAudio An audio element.
ContextMenuRequest.MediaTypeCanvas A canvas.
ContextMenuRequest.MediaTypeFile A file.
ContextMenuRequest.MediaTypePlugin A plugin.

[read-only] mediaUrl : url

The URL of media if the selected web content is a media element.

[read-only] misspelledWord : string


[read-only] position : point

The position of the user action from where the context menu request originates.

[read-only] selectedText : string

The selected text the context menu was created for.

[read-only] spellCheckerSuggestions : stringlist

If the context is a word considered misspelled by the spell-checker, returns a list of suggested replacements.