TextureData QML Type

Base type for custom texture data. 更多...

导入语句: import QtQuick3D
实例化: QQuick3DTextureData
继承: Object3D
继承者: ProceduralSkyTextureData


Custom texture data allows using application-generated texture data, that can possibly change dynamically as well. To use custom texture data set the textureData property of Texture to reference a TextureData object.

Custom Texture data is implemented in C++ by creating a QQuick3DTextureData instance, often subclassing it. The QQuick3DTextureData type is registered to QML under the name of TextureData. Once the subclass is registered to QML, Texture objects can start referencing it.

An example of when to use this API is when there is a need to procedurally generate a texture at runtime rather than loading a static image from a file.

import MyCustomTexture 1.0
Model {
    source: "#Cube"
    materials: [
        DefaultMaterial {
            diffuseMap: diffuseMapCustomTexture
Texture {
    id: diffuseMapCustomTexture
    textureData: MyCustomTextureData {

另请参阅 Texture .