PdfMultiPageView QML 类型

用于卷动浏览多个页面的完整 PDF 查看器组件。 更多...

导入语句: import QtQuick.Pdf
继承: Item




PdfMultiPageView provides a PDF viewer component that offers a user experience similar to many common PDF viewer applications. It supports flicking through the pages in the entire document, with narrow gaps between the page images.

PdfMultiPageView also supports selecting text and copying it to the clipboard, zooming in and out, clicking an internal link to jump to another section in the document, rotating the view, and searching for text. The PDF 多页查看器范例 demonstrates how to use these features in an application.

The implementation is a QML assembly of smaller building blocks that are available separately. In case you want to make changes in your own version of this component, you can copy the QML, which is installed into the QtQuick/Pdf/qml 模块目录,并按需修改它。

另请参阅 PdfPageView , PdfScrollablePageView ,和 PdfStyle .


[read-only] backEnabled : bool

This property indicates if it is possible to go back in the navigation history to a previous-viewed page.

另请参阅 PdfPageNavigator::backAvailable and back ().

[read-only] currentPage : int

This property holds the zero-based page number of the page visible in the scrollable view. If there is no current page, it holds -1.

This property is read-only, and is typically used in a binding (or onCurrentPageChanged script) to update the part of the user interface that shows the current page number, such as a SpinBox .

另请参阅 PdfPageNavigator::currentPage .

currentPageRenderingStatus : int

此特性保持 渲染状态 当前页面 .

[required] document : PdfDocument

A PdfDocument 对象具有有效 source URL is required:

import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Pdf
PdfMultiPageView {
    document: PdfDocument { source: "my.pdf" }

[read-only] forwardEnabled : bool

This property indicates if it is possible to go to next location in the navigation history.

另请参阅 PdfPageNavigator::forwardAvailable and forward ().

pageRotation : real

This property holds the clockwise rotation of the pages.

默认值为 0 degrees (that is, no rotation relative to the orientation of the pages as stored in the PDF file).

renderScale : real

This property holds the ratio of pixels to points. The default is 1 , meaning one point (1/72 of an inch) equals 1 logical pixel.

searchModel : PdfSearchModel

This property holds a PdfSearchModel containing the list of search results for a given searchString .

另请参阅 PdfSearchModel .

searchString : string

This property holds the search string that the user may choose to search for. It is typically used in a binding to the text property of a TextField .

另请参阅 searchModel .

selectedText : string



void back ()

Scrolls the view back to the previous page that the user visited most recently; or does nothing if there is no previous location on the navigation stack.

另请参阅 PdfPageNavigator::back (), currentPage ,和 backEnabled .

void copySelectionToClipboard ()

拷贝选中文本 (若有的话) 到 系统剪贴板 .

另请参阅 selectAll ().

void forward ()

Scrolls the view to the page that the user was viewing when the back () method was called; or does nothing if there is no "next" location on the navigation stack.

另请参阅 PdfPageNavigator::forward () 和 currentPage .

void goToLocation ( int page , point location , real zoom )

卷动视图到 locationpage ,若可能的话,并设置 zoom 级别。

另请参阅 PdfPageNavigator::jump () 和 currentPage .

void goToPage ( int page )

卷动视图到给定 page 编号,若可能的话。

另请参阅 PdfPageNavigator::jump () 和 currentPage .

void resetScale ()

设置 renderScale 回到其默认值 1 .

void scaleToPage ( real width , real height )

设置 renderScale such that the whole first page will fit into a viewport with the given width and height . The resulting renderScale depends on pageRotation : the page will fit into the viewport at a larger size if it is first rotated to have a matching aspect ratio.

void scaleToWidth ( real width , real height )

设置 renderScale such that the width of the first page will fit into a viewport with the given width and height . If the page is not rotated, it will be scaled so that its width fits width . If it is rotated +/- 90 degrees, it will be scaled so that its width fits height .

void searchBack ()

递减 searchModel 的当前结果 so that the view will jump to the previous search result.

void searchForward ()

递增 searchModel 的当前结果 so that the view will jump to the next search result.

void selectAll ()

Selects all the text on the 当前页面 , and makes it available as the system selection on systems that support that feature.

另请参阅 copySelectionToClipboard ().