DialogButtonBox QML Type

A button box used in dialogs. 更多...

导入语句: import QtQuick.Controls
继承: Container






Dialogs and message boxes typically present buttons in an order that conforms to the interface guidelines for that platform. Invariably, different platforms have their dialog buttons in different orders. DialogButtonBox allows a developer to add buttons to it and will automatically use the appropriate order for the user's platform.


  • 接受 (或拒绝) 对话框。
  • 寻求帮助。
  • 在对话框自身上履行动作 (譬如:重置字段或应用更改)。

There can also be alternate ways of dismissing the dialog which may cause destructive results.

Most dialogs have buttons that can almost be considered standard (e.g. OK and Cancel buttons). It is sometimes convenient to create these buttons in a standard way.

There are a couple ways of using DialogButtonBox. One way is to specify the standard buttons (e.g. OK , Cancel , Save ) and let the button box setup the buttons.

DialogButtonBox {
    standardButtons: DialogButtonBox.Ok | DialogButtonBox.Cancel
    onAccepted: console.log("Ok clicked")
    onRejected: console.log("Cancel clicked")

Alternatively, buttons and their roles can be specified by hand:

DialogButtonBox {
    Button {
        text: qsTr("Save")
        DialogButtonBox.buttonRole: DialogButtonBox.AcceptRole
    Button {
        text: qsTr("Close")
        DialogButtonBox.buttonRole: DialogButtonBox.DestructiveRole

You can also mix and match normal buttons and standard buttons.

When a button is clicked in the button box, the clicked () signal is emitted for the actual button that is pressed. In addition, the following signals are automatically emitted when a button with the respective role(s) is pressed:

角色 信号
AcceptRole , YesRole accepted ()
ApplyRole applied ()
DiscardRole discarded ()
HelpRole helpRequested ()
RejectRole , NoRole rejected ()
ResetRole reset ()

另请参阅 Dialog .


alignment : flags

This property holds the alignment of the buttons.


常量 描述
undefined The buttons are resized to fill the available space.
Qt.AlignLeft The buttons are aligned to the left.
Qt.AlignHCenter The buttons are horizontally centered.
Qt.AlignRight The buttons are aligned to the right.
Qt.AlignTop The buttons are aligned to the top.
Qt.AlignVCenter The buttons are vertically centered.
Qt.AlignBottom The buttons are aligned to the bottom.

默认值为 undefined .

注意: This property assumes a horizontal layout of the buttons. The DialogButtonBox iOS style uses a vertical layout when there are more than two buttons, and if set to a value other than undefined , the layout of its buttons will be done horizontally.

[since QtQuick.Controls 2.5 (Qt 5.12)] buttonLayout : enumeration

This property holds the button layout policy to be used when arranging the buttons contained in the button box. The default value is platform-specific.

Available values:

常量 描述
DialogButtonBox.WinLayout Use a policy appropriate for applications on Windows.
DialogButtonBox.MacLayout Use a policy appropriate for applications on macOS.
DialogButtonBox.KdeLayout Use a policy appropriate for applications on KDE.
DialogButtonBox.GnomeLayout Use a policy appropriate for applications on GNOME.
DialogButtonBox.AndroidLayout Use a policy appropriate for applications on Android.

该特性在 QtQuick.Controls 2.5 (Qt 5.12) 引入。

delegate : 组件

This property holds a delegate for creating standard buttons.

另请参阅 standardButtons .

position : enumeration

This property holds the position of the button box.

注意: If the button box is assigned as a header or footer of ApplicationWindow or Page, the appropriate position is set automatically.


常量 描述
DialogButtonBox.Header The button box is at the top, as a window or page header.
DialogButtonBox.Footer The button box is at the bottom, as a window or page header.

默认值为 Footer .

另请参阅 Dialog::header and Dialog::footer .

standardButtons : enumeration

This property holds a combination of standard buttons that are used by the button box.

DialogButtonBox {
    standardButtons: DialogButtonBox.Ok | DialogButtonBox.Cancel
    onAccepted: console.log("Ok clicked")
    onRejected: console.log("Cancel clicked")

The buttons will be positioned in the appropriate order for the user's platform.

Possible flags:

常量 描述
DialogButtonBox.Ok An "OK" button defined with the AcceptRole .
DialogButtonBox.Open An "Open" button defined with the AcceptRole .
DialogButtonBox.Save A "Save" button defined with the AcceptRole .
DialogButtonBox.Cancel A "Cancel" button defined with the RejectRole .
DialogButtonBox.Close A "Close" button defined with the RejectRole .
DialogButtonBox.Discard A "Discard" or "Don't Save" button, depending on the platform, defined with the DestructiveRole .
DialogButtonBox.Apply An "Apply" button defined with the ApplyRole .
DialogButtonBox.Reset A "Reset" button defined with the ResetRole .
DialogButtonBox.RestoreDefaults A "Restore Defaults" button defined with the ResetRole .
DialogButtonBox.Help A "Help" button defined with the HelpRole .
DialogButtonBox.SaveAll A "Save All" button defined with the AcceptRole .
DialogButtonBox.Yes A "Yes" button defined with the YesRole .
DialogButtonBox.YesToAll A "Yes to All" button defined with the YesRole .
DialogButtonBox.No A "No" button defined with the NoRole .
DialogButtonBox.NoToAll A "No to All" button defined with the NoRole .
DialogButtonBox.Abort An "Abort" button defined with the RejectRole .
DialogButtonBox.Retry A "Retry" button defined with the AcceptRole .
DialogButtonBox.Ignore An "Ignore" button defined with the AcceptRole .
DialogButtonBox.NoButton 无效按钮。

另请参阅 standardButton ().


[read-only] DialogButtonBox.buttonBox : DialogButtonBox

This attached property holds the button box that manages this button, or null if the button is not in a button box.

DialogButtonBox.buttonRole : enumeration

This attached property holds the role of each button in a button box.

DialogButtonBox {
    Button {
        text: qsTr("Save")
        DialogButtonBox.buttonRole: DialogButtonBox.AcceptRole
    Button {
        text: qsTr("Close")
        DialogButtonBox.buttonRole: DialogButtonBox.DestructiveRole

Available values:

常量 描述
DialogButtonBox.InvalidRole 按钮无效。
DialogButtonBox.AcceptRole Clicking the button causes the dialog to be accepted (e.g. OK ).
DialogButtonBox.RejectRole Clicking the button causes the dialog to be rejected (e.g. Cancel ).
DialogButtonBox.DestructiveRole Clicking the button causes a destructive change (e.g. for discarding changes) and closes the dialog.
DialogButtonBox.ActionRole 点击按钮导致对话框中元素改变。
DialogButtonBox.HelpRole 可以点击按钮以请求帮助。
DialogButtonBox.YesRole The button is a "Yes"-like button.
DialogButtonBox.NoRole The button is a "No"-like button.
DialogButtonBox.ResetRole The button resets the dialog's fields to default values.
DialogButtonBox.ApplyRole The button applies current changes.


accepted ()

This signal is emitted when a button defined with the AcceptRole or YesRole 被点击。

注意: 相应处理程序是 onAccepted .

另请参阅 rejected (), clicked (),和 helpRequested ().

[since QtQuick.Controls 2.3 (Qt 5.10)] applied ()

This signal is emitted when a button defined with the ApplyRole 被点击。

注意: 相应处理程序是 onApplied .

This signal was introduced in QtQuick.Controls 2.3 (Qt 5.10).

另请参阅 discarded () 和 reset ().

clicked ( AbstractButton button )

This signal is emitted when a button inside the button box is clicked.

注意: 相应处理程序是 onClicked .

另请参阅 accepted (), rejected (),和 helpRequested ().

[since QtQuick.Controls 2.3 (Qt 5.10)] discarded ()

This signal is emitted when a button defined with the DiscardRole 被点击。

注意: 相应处理程序是 onDiscarded .

This signal was introduced in QtQuick.Controls 2.3 (Qt 5.10).

另请参阅 reset () 和 applied ().

helpRequested ()

This signal is emitted when a button defined with the HelpRole 被点击。

注意: 相应处理程序是 onHelpRequested .

另请参阅 accepted (), rejected (),和 clicked ().

rejected ()

This signal is emitted when a button defined with the RejectRole or NoRole 被点击。

注意: 相应处理程序是 onRejected .

另请参阅 accepted (), helpRequested (),和 clicked ().

[since QtQuick.Controls 2.3 (Qt 5.10)] reset ()

This signal is emitted when a button defined with the ResetRole 被点击。

注意: 相应处理程序是 onReset .

This signal was introduced in QtQuick.Controls 2.3 (Qt 5.10).

另请参阅 discarded () 和 applied ().


AbstractButton standardButton ( StandardButton button )

Returns the specified standard button ,或 null if it does not exist.

另请参阅 standardButtons .