ActionGroup QML Type

Groups actions together. 更多...

导入语句: import QtQuick.Controls
继承: QtObject






ActionGroup is a non-visual group of actions. A mutually exclusive action group is used with actions where only one of the options can be selected at a time.

The most straight-forward way to use ActionGroup is to declare actions as children of the group.

ActionGroup {
    id: alignmentGroup
    Action {
        checked: true
        checkable: true
        text: qsTr("Left")
    Action {
        checkable: true
        text: qsTr("Center")
    Action {
        checkable: true
        text: qsTr("Right")

另外, group attached property allows declaring the actions elsewhere and assigning them to a specific group.

ActionGroup { id: alignmentGroup }
Action {
    checked: true
    checkable: true
    text: qsTr("Left") alignmentGroup
Action {
    checkable: true
    text: qsTr("Center") alignmentGroup
Action {
    checkable: true
    text: qsTr("Right") alignmentGroup

More advanced use cases can be handled using the addAction() and removeAction() 方法。

另请参阅 动作 and ButtonGroup .


[default] actions : list < 动作 >

This property holds the list of actions in the group.

另请参阅 group .

checkedAction : 动作

This property holds the currently selected action in an exclusive group, or null if there is none or the group is non-exclusive.

By default, it is the first checked action added to an exclusive action group.

另请参阅 exclusive .

enabled : bool

This property holds whether the action group is enabled. The default value is true .

若此特性为 false , then all actions in the group are disabled. If this property is true , all actions in the group are enabled, unless explicitly disabled.

exclusive : bool

This property holds whether the action group is exclusive. The default value is true .

若此特性为 true , then only one action in the group can be checked at any given time. The user can trigger any action to check it, and that action will replace the existing one as the checked action in the group.

In an exclusive group, the user cannot uncheck the currently checked action by triggering it; instead, another action in the group must be triggered to set the new checked action for that group.

In a non-exclusive group, checking and unchecking actions does not affect the other actions in the group. Furthermore, the value of the checkedAction 特性为 null .

附加特性文档编制 : ActionGroup

This property attaches an action to an action group.

ActionGroup { id: group }
Action {
    checked: true
    text: qsTr("Option A") group
Action {
    text: qsTr("Option B") group

另请参阅 actions .


triggered ( 动作 action )

此信号被发射当 action in the group has been triggered.

This signal is convenient for implementing a common signal handler for all actions in the same group.

ActionGroup {
    onTriggered: console.log("triggered:", action.text)
    Action { text: "First" }
    Action { text: "Second" }
    Action { text: "Third" }

注意: 相应处理程序是 onTriggered .

另请参阅 Action::triggered ().


void addAction ( 动作 action )

添加 action to the action group.

注意: Manually adding objects to a action group is typically unnecessary. The actions property and the group attached property provide a convenient and declarative syntax.

另请参阅 actions and group .

void removeAction ( 动作 action )

Removes an action from the action group.

注意: Manually removing objects from a action group is typically unnecessary. The actions property and the group attached property provide a convenient and declarative syntax.

另请参阅 actions and group .