Abstract3DSeries QML Type

A base type for all data series. 更多...

导入语句: import QtDataVisualization 1.5
Since: QtDataVisualization 1.0
实例化: QAbstract3DSeries
继承者: Bar3DSeries , Scatter3DSeries ,和 Surface3DSeries




This type is uncreatable, but contains properties that are exposed via the following subtypes: Bar3DSeries , Scatter3DSeries ,和 Surface3DSeries .

更多信息,见 Qt Data Visualization 数据处理 .


baseColor : color

Sets the base color of the series.

另请参阅 colorStyle and Theme3D.baseColors .

baseGradient : ColorGradient

Sets the base gradient of the series.

另请参阅 colorStyle and Theme3D.baseGradients .

colorStyle : Theme3D . ColorStyle

Sets the color style for the series.

另请参阅 Theme3D.colorStyle .

[read-only, since QtDataVisualization 1.1] itemLabel : string

The formatted item label. If there is no selected item or the selected item is not visible, returns an empty string.

该特性在 QtDataVisualization 1.1 引入。

另请参阅 itemLabelFormat .

itemLabelFormat : string

The label format for data items in this series. This format is used for single item labels, for example, when an item is selected. How the format is interpreted depends on series type: Bar3DSeries , Scatter3DSeries , Surface3DSeries .

[since QtDataVisualization 1.1] itemLabelVisible : bool

true , item labels are drawn as floating labels in the graph. Otherwise, item labels are not drawn. To show the item label in an external control, this property is set to false 。默认为 true .

该特性在 QtDataVisualization 1.1 引入。

另请参阅 itemLabelFormat and itemLabel .

mesh : Abstract3DSeries . Mesh

Sets the mesh of the items in the series, or the selection pointer in case of Surface3DSeries . If the mesh is Abstract3DSeries.MeshUserDefined , then the userDefinedMesh property must also be set for items to render properly. The default value depends on the graph type.

另请参阅 QAbstract3DSeries::Mesh .

meshRotation : quaternion

Sets the mesh rotation that is applied to all items of the series. The rotation should be a normalized quaternion. For those series types that support item specific rotation, the rotations are multiplied together. Bar3DSeries ignores any rotation that is not around the y-axis. Surface3DSeries applies the rotation only to the selection pointer. Defaults to no rotation.

meshSmooth : bool

true , smooth versions of predefined meshes set via the mesh property are used. This property does not affect custom meshes used when the mesh is set to Abstract3DSeries.MeshUserDefined 。默认为 false .

multiHighlightColor : color

Sets the multiple item highlight color of the series.

另请参阅 colorStyle and Theme3D.multiHighlightColor .

multiHighlightGradient : ColorGradient

Sets the multiple item highlight gradient of the series.

另请参阅 colorStyle and Theme3D.multiHighlightGradient .

name : string

The series name. It can be used in item label format with the tag @seriesName .

另请参阅 itemLabelFormat .

singleHighlightColor : color

Sets the single item highlight color of the series.

另请参阅 colorStyle and Theme3D.singleHighlightColor .

singleHighlightGradient : ColorGradient

Sets the single item highlight gradient of the series.

另请参阅 colorStyle and Theme3D.singleHighlightGradient .

[read-only] type : Abstract3DSeries . SeriesType

The type of the series. One of the QAbstract3DSeries::SeriesType 值。

userDefinedMesh : string

Sets the filename for a user defined custom mesh for objects that is used when mesh is Abstract3DSeries.MeshUserDefined .

注意: The file needs to be in the Wavefront OBJ format and include vertices, normals, and UVs. It also needs to be in triangles.

visible : bool

Sets the visibility of the series. If false , the series is not rendered.


void setMeshAxisAndAngle ( vector3d axis , real angle )

A convenience function to construct a mesh rotation quaternion from axis and angle .

另请参阅 meshRotation .