DelegateChoice QML 类型

封装委托及何时使用它。 更多...

导入语句: import Qt.labs.qmlmodels



The DelegateChoice type wraps a delegate and defines the circumstances in which it should be chosen.

DelegateChoices can be nested inside a DelegateChooser .

另请参阅 DelegateChooser .


column : int

This property holds the value used to match the column value of model elements.

delegate : 组件

This property holds the delegate to use if this choice matches the model item.

index : int

This property holds the value used to match the index value of model elements. This is effectively an alias for row .

另请参阅 row .

roleValue : variant

This property holds the value used to match the role data for the role provided by DelegateChooser::role .

row : int

This property holds the value used to match the row value of model elements. With models that have only the index property (and thus only one column), this property should be intended as an index, and set to the desired index value.

注意: Setting both row and index has undefined behavior. The two are equivalent and only one should be used.

另请参阅 index .