MenuBar QML Type

A native menubar. 更多...

导入语句: import Qt.labs.platform
继承: QtObject




The MenuBar type provides a QML API for native platform menubars.

A menubar consists of a list of drop-down menus.

MenuBar {
    id: menuBar
    Menu {
        id: fileMenu
        title: qsTr("File")
        // ...
    Menu {
        id: editMenu
        title: qsTr("&Edit")
        // ...
    Menu {
        id: viewMenu
        title: qsTr("&View")
        // ...
    Menu {
        id: helpMenu
        title: qsTr("&Help")
        // ...

MenuBar is currently available on the following platforms:

  • macOS
  • Android
  • Linux (only available on desktop environments that provide a global D-Bus menu bar)
  • Windows

注意: Types in Qt.labs modules are not guaranteed to remain compatible in future versions.

另请参阅 Menu .


[default] data : list < QtObject >

This default property holds the list of all objects declared as children of the menubar. The data property includes objects that are not Menu 实例,譬如 Timer and QtObject .

另请参阅 menus .

This property holds the list of menus in the menubar.

window : Window

This property holds the menubar's window.

Unless explicitly set, the window is automatically resolved by iterating the QML parent objects until a Window Item that has a window is found.


void addMenu ( Menu menu )

Adds a menu to end of the menubar.

void clear ()

Removes all menus from the menubar.

void insertMenu ( int index , Menu menu )

插入 menu at the specified index in the menubar.

void removeMenu ( Menu menu )

Removes a menu from the menubar.