QLowEnergyServiceData Class

The QLowEnergyServiceData class is used to set up GATT service data. 更多...

头: #include <QLowEnergyServiceData>
qmake: QT += bluetooth


enum ServiceType { ServiceTypePrimary, ServiceTypeSecondary }


QLowEnergyServiceData ()
QLowEnergyServiceData (const QLowEnergyServiceData & other )
~QLowEnergyServiceData ()
void addCharacteristic (const QLowEnergyCharacteristicData & characteristic )
void addIncludedService (QLowEnergyService * service )
QList<QLowEnergyCharacteristicData> characteristics () const
QList<QLowEnergyService *> includedServices () const
bool isValid () const
void setCharacteristics (const QList<QLowEnergyCharacteristicData> & characteristics )
void setIncludedServices (const QList<QLowEnergyService *> & services )
void setType (QLowEnergyServiceData::ServiceType type )
void setUuid (const QBluetoothUuid & uuid )
void swap (QLowEnergyServiceData & other )
QLowEnergyServiceData::ServiceType type () const
QBluetoothUuid uuid () const
QLowEnergyServiceData & operator= (const QLowEnergyServiceData & other )
bool operator!= (const QLowEnergyServiceData & a , const QLowEnergyServiceData & b )
bool operator== (const QLowEnergyServiceData & a , const QLowEnergyServiceData & b )


An Object of this class provides a service to be added to a GATT server via QLowEnergyController::addService ().


enum QLowEnergyServiceData:: ServiceType

The type of GATT service.

常量 描述
QLowEnergyServiceData::ServiceTypePrimary 0x2800 The service is a primary service.
QLowEnergyServiceData::ServiceTypeSecondary 0x2801 The service is a secondary service. Secondary services are included by other services to implement some higher-level functionality.


QLowEnergyServiceData:: QLowEnergyServiceData ()

Creates a new invalid object of this class.

QLowEnergyServiceData:: QLowEnergyServiceData (const QLowEnergyServiceData & other )

Constructs a new object of this class that is a copy of other .

QLowEnergyServiceData:: ~QLowEnergyServiceData ()


void QLowEnergyServiceData:: addCharacteristic (const QLowEnergyCharacteristicData & characteristic )

添加 characteristic to the list of characteristics, if it is valid.

另请参阅 setCharacteristics ().

void QLowEnergyServiceData:: addIncludedService ( QLowEnergyService * service )

添加 service to the list of included services. The service object must have been returned from a call to QLowEnergyController::addService . This requirement prevents circular includes (which are forbidden by the Bluetooth specification), and also helps to support the use case of including more than one service of the same type.

另请参阅 setIncludedServices ().

QList < QLowEnergyCharacteristicData > QLowEnergyServiceData:: characteristics () const

Returns the list of characteristics.

另请参阅 setCharacteristics ().

QList < QLowEnergyService *> QLowEnergyServiceData:: includedServices () const

Returns the list of included services.

另请参阅 setIncludedServices ().

bool QLowEnergyServiceData:: isValid () const

返回 true if this service is has a non-null UUID.

void QLowEnergyServiceData:: setCharacteristics (const QList < QLowEnergyCharacteristicData > & characteristics )

Sets the list of characteristics to characteristics . Only valid characteristics are considered.

另请参阅 characteristics () 和 addCharacteristic ().

void QLowEnergyServiceData:: setIncludedServices (const QList < QLowEnergyService *> & services )

Sets the list of included services to services . All objects in this list must have been returned from a call to QLowEnergyController::addService .

另请参阅 includedServices () 和 addIncludedService ().

void QLowEnergyServiceData:: setType ( QLowEnergyServiceData::ServiceType type )

Sets the type of this service to type .

另请参阅 type ().

void QLowEnergyServiceData:: setUuid (const QBluetoothUuid & uuid )

Sets the UUID of this service to uuid .

另请参阅 uuid ().

void QLowEnergyServiceData:: swap ( QLowEnergyServiceData & other )

Swaps this object with other .

QLowEnergyServiceData::ServiceType QLowEnergyServiceData:: type () const

Returns the type of this service.

另请参阅 setType ().

QBluetoothUuid QLowEnergyServiceData:: uuid () const

Returns the UUID of this service.

另请参阅 setUuid ().

QLowEnergyServiceData &QLowEnergyServiceData:: operator= (const QLowEnergyServiceData & other )

Makes this object a copy of other and returns the new value of this object.


bool operator!= (const QLowEnergyServiceData & a , const QLowEnergyServiceData & b )

返回 true if a and b are unequal with respect to their public state, otherwise returns false .

bool operator== (const QLowEnergyServiceData & a , const QLowEnergyServiceData & b )

返回 true if a and b are equal with respect to their public state, otherwise returns false .