QHttpServerResponder Class

API for sending replies from an HTTP server. 更多...

头: #include <QHttpServerResponder>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS HttpServer)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::HttpServer)
qmake: QT += httpserver
Since: Qt 6.4


enum class StatusCode { Continue, SwitchingProtocols, Processing, Ok, Created, …, NetworkConnectTimeoutError }


QHttpServerResponder (QHttpServerResponder && other )
~QHttpServerResponder ()
void sendResponse (const QHttpServerResponse & response )
void write (QIODevice * data , QHttpServerResponder::HeaderList headers , QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode status = StatusCode::Ok)
void write (QIODevice * data , const QByteArray & mimeType , QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode status = StatusCode::Ok)
void write (const QJsonDocument & document , QHttpServerResponder::HeaderList headers , QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode status = StatusCode::Ok)
void write (const QJsonDocument & document , QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode status = StatusCode::Ok)
void write (const QByteArray & data , QHttpServerResponder::HeaderList headers , QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode status = StatusCode::Ok)
void write (const QByteArray & data , const QByteArray & mimeType , QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode status = StatusCode::Ok)
void write (QHttpServerResponder::HeaderList headers , QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode status = StatusCode::Ok)
void write (QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode status = StatusCode::Ok)
void writeBody (const char * body , qint64 size )
void writeBody (const char * body )
void writeBody (const QByteArray & body )
void writeHeader (const QByteArray & header , const QByteArray & value )
void writeHeaders (QHttpServerResponder::HeaderList headers )
void writeStatusLine (QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode status = StatusCode::Ok)


Provides functions for writing back to an HTTP client with overloads for serializing JSON objects. It also has support for writing HTTP headers and status code.


[alias] QHttpServerResponder:: HeaderList

Type alias for std::initializer_list<std::pair< QByteArray , QByteArray >>

enum class QHttpServerResponder:: StatusCode

HTTP status codes

QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::Continue 100
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::SwitchingProtocols 101
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::Processing 102
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::Ok 200
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::Created 201
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::Accepted 202
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::NonAuthoritativeInformation 203
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::NoContent 204
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::ResetContent 205
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::PartialContent 206
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::MultiStatus 207
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::AlreadyReported 208
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::IMUsed 226
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::MultipleChoices 300
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::MovedPermanently 301
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::Found 302
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::SeeOther 303
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::NotModified 304
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::UseProxy 305
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::TemporaryRedirect 307
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::PermanentRedirect 308
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::BadRequest 400
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::Unauthorized 401
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::PaymentRequired 402
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::Forbidden 403
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::NotFound 404
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::MethodNotAllowed 405
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::NotAcceptable 406
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::ProxyAuthenticationRequired 407
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::RequestTimeout 408
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::Conflict 409
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::Gone 410
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::LengthRequired 411
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::PreconditionFailed 412
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::PayloadTooLarge 413
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::UriTooLong 414
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::UnsupportedMediaType 415
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::RequestRangeNotSatisfiable 416
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::ExpectationFailed 417
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::ImATeapot 418
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::MisdirectedRequest 421
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::UnprocessableEntity 422
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::Locked 423
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::FailedDependency 424
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::UpgradeRequired 426
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::PreconditionRequired 428
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::TooManyRequests 429
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge 431
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::UnavailableForLegalReasons 451
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::InternalServerError 500
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::NotImplemented 501
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::BadGateway 502
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::ServiceUnavailable 503
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::GatewayTimeout 504
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::HttpVersionNotSupported 505
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::VariantAlsoNegotiates 506
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::InsufficientStorage 507
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::LoopDetected 508
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::NotExtended 510
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::NetworkAuthenticationRequired 511
QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::NetworkConnectTimeoutError 599


QHttpServerResponder:: QHttpServerResponder ( QHttpServerResponder && other )

Move-constructs a QHttpServerResponder instance, making it point at the same object that other 所指向的。

QHttpServerResponder:: ~QHttpServerResponder ()

销毁 QHttpServerResponder .

[since 6.5] void QHttpServerResponder:: sendResponse (const QHttpServerResponse & response )

Sends a HTTP response to the client.

该函数在 Qt 6.5 引入。

void QHttpServerResponder:: write ( QIODevice * data , QHttpServerResponder::HeaderList headers , QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode status = StatusCode::Ok)

Answers a request with an HTTP status code status and HTTP headers headers . The I/O device data provides the body of the response. If data is sequential, the body of the message is sent in chunks: otherwise, the function assumes all the content is available and sends it all at once but the read is done in chunks.

注意: This function takes the ownership of data .

void QHttpServerResponder:: write ( QIODevice * data , const QByteArray & mimeType , QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode status = StatusCode::Ok)

Answers a request with an HTTP status code status and a MIME type mimeType . The I/O device data provides the body of the response. If data is sequential, the body of the message is sent in chunks: otherwise, the function assumes all the content is available and sends it all at once but the read is done in chunks.

注意: This function takes the ownership of data .

void QHttpServerResponder:: write (const QJsonDocument & document , QHttpServerResponder::HeaderList headers , QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode status = StatusCode::Ok)

Answers a request with an HTTP status code status , JSON document document and HTTP headers headers .

Note: This function sets HTTP Content-Type header as "application/json".

void QHttpServerResponder:: write (const QJsonDocument & document , QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode status = StatusCode::Ok)

Answers a request with an HTTP status code status , and JSON document document .

Note: This function sets HTTP Content-Type header as "application/json".

void QHttpServerResponder:: write (const QByteArray & data , QHttpServerResponder::HeaderList headers , QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode status = StatusCode::Ok)

Answers a request with an HTTP status code status , HTTP Headers headers and a body data .

Note: This function sets HTTP Content-Length header.

void QHttpServerResponder:: write (const QByteArray & data , const QByteArray & mimeType , QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode status = StatusCode::Ok)

Answers a request with an HTTP status code status , a MIME type mimeType and a body data .

void QHttpServerResponder:: write ( QHttpServerResponder::HeaderList headers , QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode status = StatusCode::Ok)

Answers a request with an HTTP status code status and HTTP Headers headers .

void QHttpServerResponder:: write ( QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode status = StatusCode::Ok)

Answers a request with an HTTP status code status .

Note: This function sets HTTP Content-Type header as "application/x-empty".

void QHttpServerResponder:: writeBody (const char * body , qint64 size )

This function writes HTTP body body with size size .

void QHttpServerResponder:: writeBody (const char * body )

This function writes HTTP body body .

void QHttpServerResponder:: writeBody (const QByteArray & body )

This function writes HTTP body body .

void QHttpServerResponder:: writeHeader (const QByteArray & header , const QByteArray & value )

This function writes an HTTP header header with value .

void QHttpServerResponder:: writeHeaders ( QHttpServerResponder::HeaderList headers )

This function writes HTTP headers headers .

void QHttpServerResponder:: writeStatusLine ( QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode status = StatusCode::Ok)

This function writes HTTP status line with an HTTP status code status .