QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent 类

QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent 类提供用于图形视图框架的拖放事件。 更多...

头: #include <QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Widgets)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Widgets)
qmake: QT += widgets
继承: QGraphicsSceneEvent


virtual ~QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent ()
void acceptProposedAction ()
Qt::MouseButtons buttons () const
Qt::DropAction dropAction () const
const QMimeData * mimeData () const
Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers () const
QPointF pos () const
Qt::DropActions possibleActions () const
Qt::DropAction proposedAction () const
QPointF scenePos () const
QPoint screenPos () const
void setDropAction (Qt::DropAction action )
QWidget * source () const


QGraphicsView 继承的拖放功能提供通过 QWidget 。当它收到拖放事件时,它将其翻译成 QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent。

QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent 存储 GraphicsSceneDragEnter、GraphicsSceneDragLeave、GraphicsSceneDragMove 或 GraphicsSceneDrop 类型事件。

QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent 包含鼠标光标在项、场景及屏幕坐标中的位置;可以检索这采用 pos (), scenePos (),和 screenPos ().

场景将事件发送给第一个 QGraphicsItem 在接受掉落的鼠标光标下;可将图形项设为接受掉落采用 setAcceptDrops ().


[virtual] QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent:: ~QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent ()


void QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent:: acceptProposedAction ()

Sets the proposed action as accepted, i.e, the drop action is set to the proposed action. This is equal to:


When using this function, one should not call accept() .

另请参阅 dropAction (), setDropAction (),和 proposedAction ().

Qt::MouseButtons QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent:: buttons () const

返回 Qt::MouseButtons value indicating which buttons were pressed on the mouse when this mouse event was generated.

另请参阅 Qt::MouseButtons .

Qt::DropAction QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent:: dropAction () const

Returns the action that was performed in this drag and drop. This should be set by the receiver of the drop and is returned by QDrag::exec ().

另请参阅 setDropAction () 和 acceptProposedAction ().

const QMimeData *QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent:: mimeData () const

This function returns the MIME data of the event.

Qt::KeyboardModifiers QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent:: modifiers () const

Returns the keyboard modifiers that were pressed when the drag and drop event was created.

另请参阅 Qt::KeyboardModifiers .

QPointF QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent:: pos () const

Returns the mouse position of the event relative to the view that sent the event.

另请参阅 QGraphicsView , screenPos (),和 scenePos ().

Qt::DropActions QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent:: possibleActions () const

Returns the possible drop actions that the drag and drop can result in.

另请参阅 Qt::DropActions .

Qt::DropAction QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent:: proposedAction () const

Returns the drop action that is proposed, i.e., preferred. The action must be one of the possible actions as defined by possibleActions() .

另请参阅 Qt::DropAction and possibleActions ().

QPointF QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent:: scenePos () const

Returns the position of the mouse in scene coordinates.

另请参阅 pos () 和 screenPos ().

QPoint QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent:: screenPos () const

Returns the position of the mouse relative to the screen.

另请参阅 pos () 和 scenePos ().

void QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent:: setDropAction ( Qt::DropAction action )

This function lets the receiver of the drop set the drop action that was performed to action , which should be one of the 可能的动作 。调用 accept() in stead of acceptProposedAction() if you use this function.

另请参阅 dropAction (), accept (),和 possibleActions ().

QWidget *QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent:: source () const

This function returns the QGraphicsView that created the QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent .