QDBusArgument 类

QDBusArgument 类用于编组和解组 D-Bus 自变量。 更多...

头: #include <QDBusArgument>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS DBus)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::DBus)
qmake: QT += dbus


enum ElementType { BasicType, VariantType, ArrayType, StructureType, MapType, …, UnknownType }


QDBusArgument ()
QDBusArgument (const QDBusArgument & other )
~QDBusArgument ()
QVariant asVariant () const
bool atEnd () const
void beginArray (QMetaType id )
void beginArray () const
void beginMap (QMetaType keyMetaType , QMetaType valueMetaType )
void beginMap () const
void beginMapEntry ()
void beginMapEntry () const
void beginStructure ()
void beginStructure () const
QDBusArgument::ElementType currentType () const
void endArray ()
void endArray () const
void endMap ()
void endMap () const
void endMapEntry ()
void endMapEntry () const
void endStructure ()
void endStructure () const
void swap (QDBusArgument & other )
QDBusArgument & operator<< (uchar arg )
QDBusArgument & operator<< (bool arg )
QDBusArgument & operator<< (short arg )
QDBusArgument & operator<< (ushort arg )
QDBusArgument & operator<< (int arg )
QDBusArgument & operator<< (uint arg )
QDBusArgument & operator<< (qlonglong arg )
QDBusArgument & operator<< (qulonglong arg )
QDBusArgument & operator<< (double arg )
QDBusArgument & operator<< (const QString & arg )
QDBusArgument & operator<< (const QDBusVariant & arg )
QDBusArgument & operator<< (const QStringList & arg )
QDBusArgument & operator<< (const QByteArray & arg )
QDBusArgument & operator= (const QDBusArgument & other )
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (uchar & arg ) const
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (bool & arg ) const
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (short & arg ) const
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (ushort & arg ) const
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (int & arg ) const
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (uint & arg ) const
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (qlonglong & arg ) const
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (qulonglong & arg ) const
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (double & arg ) const
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (QString & arg ) const
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (QDBusVariant & arg ) const
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (QStringList & arg ) const
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (QByteArray & arg ) const
QMetaType qDBusRegisterMetaType ()
T qdbus_cast (const QDBusArgument & arg )


The class is used to send arguments over D-Bus to remote applications and to receive them back. D-Bus offers an extensible type system, based on a few primitive types and associations of them. See the Qt D-Bus Type System page for more information on the type system.

QDBusArgument is the central class in the Qt D-Bus type system, providing functions to marshall and demarshall the primitive types. The compound types are then created by association of one or more of the primitive types in arrays, dictionaries or structures.

The following example illustrates how a structure containing an integer and a string can be constructed using the Qt D-Bus type system :

struct MyStructure
    int count;
    QString name;
    // ...
// Marshall the MyStructure data into a D-Bus argument
QDBusArgument &operator<<(QDBusArgument &argument, const MyStructure &myStruct)
    argument << myStruct.count << myStruct.name;
    return argument;
// Retrieve the MyStructure data from the D-Bus argument
const QDBusArgument &operator>>(const QDBusArgument &argument, MyStructure &myStruct)
    argument >> myStruct.count >> myStruct.name;
    return argument;

The type has to be registered with qDBusRegisterMetaType () before it can be used with QDBusArgument. Therefore, somewhere in your program, you should add the following code:


Once registered, a type can be used in outgoing method calls (placed with QDBusAbstractInterface::call ()), signal emissions from registered objects or in incoming calls from remote applications.

It is important to note that the operator<< and operator>> streaming functions must always produce the same number of entries in case of structures, both in reading and in writing (marshalling and demarshalling), otherwise calls and signals may start to silently fail.

The following example illustrates this wrong usage in context of a class that may contain invalid data:

//bad code
    // Wrongly marshall the MyTime data into a D-Bus argument
    QDBusArgument &operator<<(QDBusArgument &argument, const MyTime &mytime)
        if (mytime.isValid)
            argument << true << mytime.hour
                     << mytime.minute << mytime.second;
            argument << false;
        return argument;

In this example, both the operator<< operator>> functions may produce a different number of reads/writes. This can confuse the Qt D-Bus type system and should be avoided.

另请参阅 QDBusAbstractInterface , The Qt D-Bus type system , Using Adaptors ,和 qdbus_cast ().


enum QDBusArgument:: ElementType

This enum describes the type of element held by the argument.

常量 描述
QDBusArgument::BasicType 0 A basic element, which is understood by QVariant . The following types are considered basic: bool, byte, short, ushort, int, uint, qint64, quint64, double, QString , QByteArray , QDBusObjectPath , QDBusSignature
QDBusArgument::VariantType 1 The variant element ( QDBusVariant )
QDBusArgument::ArrayType 2 An array element, usually represented by QList <T>. Note: QByteArray and associative maps are not considered arrays, even if the D-Bus protocol transports them as such.
QDBusArgument::StructureType 3 A custom type represented by a structure, like QDateTime , QPoint ,等。
QDBusArgument::MapType 4 An associative container, like QMap <Key, Value> or QHash <Key, Value>
QDBusArgument::MapEntryType 5 One entry in an associative container: both the key and the value form one map-entry type.
QDBusArgument::UnknownType -1 The type is unknown or we have reached the end of the list.

另请参阅 currentType ().


QDBusArgument:: QDBusArgument ()

Constructs an empty QDBusArgument argument.

An empty QDBusArgument object does not allow either reading or writing to be performed.

QDBusArgument:: QDBusArgument (const QDBusArgument & other )

构造副本为 other QDBusArgument object.

Both objects will therefore contain the same state from this point forward. QDBusArguments are explicitly shared and, therefore, any modification to either copy will affect the other one too.

QDBusArgument:: ~QDBusArgument ()

Disposes of the resources associated with this QDBusArgument 对象。

QVariant QDBusArgument:: asVariant () const

Returns the current argument in the form of a QVariant . Basic types will be decoded and returned in the QVariant , but for complex types, this function will return a QDBusArgument object in the QVariant . It is the caller's responsibility to decode the argument (for example, by calling asVariant() in it).

For example, if the current argument is an INT32, this function will return a QVariant with an argument of type QMetaType::Int . For an array of INT32, it will return a QVariant 包含 QDBusArgument .

If an error occurs or if there are no more arguments to decode (i.e., we are at the end of the argument list), this function will return an invalid QVariant .

另请参阅 atEnd ().

bool QDBusArgument:: atEnd () const

返回 true if there are no more elements to be extracted from this QDBusArgument . This function is usually used in QDBusArgument objects returned from beginMap () 和 beginArray ().

void QDBusArgument:: beginArray ( QMetaType id )

Opens a new D-Bus array suitable for appending elements of meta-type id .

This function is used usually in operator<< streaming operators, as in the following example:

// Append an array of MyElement types
QDBusArgument &operator<<(QDBusArgument &argument, const MyArray &myArray)
    for (const auto &element : myArray)
        argument << element;
    return argument;

If the type you want to marshall is a QList or any of the Qt's 容器类 that take one template parameter, you need not declare an operator<< function for it, since Qt D-Bus provides generic templates to do the job of marshalling the data. The same applies for STL's sequence containers, such as std::list , std::vector ,等。

另请参阅 endArray (), beginStructure (),和 beginMap ().

void QDBusArgument:: beginArray () const

Recurses into the D-Bus array to allow extraction of the array elements.

This function is used usually in operator>> streaming operators, as in the following example:

// Extract a MyArray array of MyElement elements
const QDBusArgument &operator>>(const QDBusArgument &argument, MyArray &myArray)
    while (!argument.atEnd()) {
        MyElement element;
        argument >> element;
    return argument;

If the type you want to demarshall is a QList or any of the Qt's 容器类 that take one template parameter, you need not declare an operator>> function for it, since Qt D-Bus provides generic templates to do the job of demarshalling the data. The same applies for STL's sequence containers, such as std::list , std::vector ,等。

另请参阅 atEnd (), beginStructure (),和 beginMap ().

void QDBusArgument:: beginMap ( QMetaType keyMetaType , QMetaType valueMetaType )

Opens a new D-Bus map suitable for appending elements. Maps are containers that associate one entry (the key) to another (the value), such as Qt's QMap or QHash . The ids of the map's key and value meta types must be passed in keyMetaType and valueMetaType 分别。

This function is used usually in operator<< streaming operators, as in the following example:

// Append a dictionary that associates ints to MyValue types
QDBusArgument &operator<<(QDBusArgument &argument, const MyDictionary &myDict)
    argument.beginMap(QMetaType::fromType<int>(), QMetaType::fromType<MyValue>());
    MyDictionary::const_iterator i;
    for (i = myDict.cbegin(); i != myDict.cend(); ++i) {
        argument << i.key() << i.value();
    return argument;

You usually don't need to provide an operator<< or operator>> function for associative containers such as QHash or std::map, since Qt D-Bus provides generic templates to do the job of marshalling the data.

另请参阅 endMap (), beginStructure (), beginArray (),和 beginMapEntry ().

void QDBusArgument:: beginMap () const

Recurses into the D-Bus map to allow extraction of the map's elements.

This function is used usually in operator>> streaming operators, as in the following example:

// Extract a MyDictionary map that associates integers to MyElement items
const QDBusArgument &operator>>(const QDBusArgument &argument, MyDictionary &myDict)
    while (!argument.atEnd()) {
        int key;
        MyElement value;
        argument >> key >> value;
        myDict.insert(key, value);
    return argument;

If the type you want to demarshall is a QMap or QHash , you need not declare an operator>> function for it, since Qt D-Bus provides generic templates to do the job of demarshalling the data.

另请参阅 endMap (), beginStructure (), beginArray (),和 beginMapEntry ().

void QDBusArgument:: beginMapEntry ()

Opens a D-Bus map entry suitable for appending the key and value entries. This function is only valid when a map has been opened with beginMap ().

beginMap () for an example of usage of this function.

另请参阅 endMapEntry () 和 beginMap ().

void QDBusArgument:: beginMapEntry () const

Recurses into the D-Bus map entry to allow extraction of the key and value pair.

beginMap () for an example of how this function is usually used.

另请参阅 endMapEntry () 和 beginMap ().

void QDBusArgument:: beginStructure ()

Opens a new D-Bus structure suitable for appending new arguments.

This function is used usually in operator<< streaming operators, as in the following example:

QDBusArgument &operator<<(QDBusArgument &argument, const MyStructure &myStruct)
    argument << myStruct.member1 << myStruct.member2;
    return argument;

Structures can contain other structures, so the following code is also valid:

QDBusArgument &operator<<(QDBusArgument &argument, const MyStructure &myStruct)
    argument << myStruct.member1 << myStruct.member2;
    argument << myStruct.member3.subMember1 << myStruct.member3.subMember2;
    argument << myStruct.member4;
    return argument;

另请参阅 endStructure (), beginArray (),和 beginMap ().

void QDBusArgument:: beginStructure () const

Opens a D-Bus structure suitable for extracting elements.

This function is used usually in operator>> streaming operators, as in the following example:

const QDBusArgument &operator>>(const QDBusArgument &argument, MyStructure &myStruct)
    argument >> myStruct.member1 >> myStruct.member2 >> myStruct.member3;
    return argument;

另请参阅 endStructure (), beginArray (),和 beginMap ().

QDBusArgument::ElementType QDBusArgument:: currentType () const

Returns the classification of the current element type. If an error decoding the type occurs or if we're at the end of the argument, this function returns QDBusArgument::UnknownType .

This function only makes sense when demarshalling arguments. If it is used while marshalling, it will always return UnknownType .

void QDBusArgument:: endArray ()

Closes a D-Bus array opened with beginArray (). This function must be called same number of times that beginArray () 被调用。

另请参阅 beginArray (), endStructure (),和 endMap ().

void QDBusArgument:: endArray () const

Closes the D-Bus array and allow extracting of the next element after the array.

另请参阅 beginArray ().

void QDBusArgument:: endMap ()

Closes a D-Bus map opened with beginMap (). This function must be called same number of times that beginMap () 被调用。

另请参阅 beginMap (), endStructure (),和 endArray ().

void QDBusArgument:: endMap () const

Closes the D-Bus map and allow extracting of the next element after the map.

另请参阅 beginMap ().

void QDBusArgument:: endMapEntry ()

Closes a D-Bus map entry opened with beginMapEntry (). This function must be called same number of times that beginMapEntry () 被调用。

另请参阅 beginMapEntry ().

void QDBusArgument:: endMapEntry () const

Closes the D-Bus map entry and allow extracting of the next element on the map.

另请参阅 beginMapEntry ().

void QDBusArgument:: endStructure ()

Closes a D-Bus structure opened with beginStructure (). This function must be called same number of times that beginStructure () 被调用。

另请参阅 beginStructure (), endArray (),和 endMap ().

void QDBusArgument:: endStructure () const

Closes the D-Bus structure and allow extracting of the next element after the structure.

另请参阅 beginStructure ().

void QDBusArgument:: swap ( QDBusArgument & other )

交换此 QDBusArgument 实例与 other .

QDBusArgument &QDBusArgument:: operator<< ( uchar arg )

Appends the primitive value arg 类型 BYTE to the D-Bus stream.

QDBusArgument &QDBusArgument:: operator<< ( bool arg )


Appends the primitive value arg 类型 BOOLEAN to the D-Bus stream.

QDBusArgument &QDBusArgument:: operator<< ( short arg )


Appends the primitive value arg 类型 INT16 to the D-Bus stream.

QDBusArgument &QDBusArgument:: operator<< ( ushort arg )


Appends the primitive value arg 类型 UINT16 to the D-Bus stream.

QDBusArgument &QDBusArgument:: operator<< ( int arg )


Appends the primitive value arg 类型 INT32 to the D-Bus stream.

QDBusArgument &QDBusArgument:: operator<< ( uint arg )


Appends the primitive value arg 类型 UINT32 to the D-Bus stream.

QDBusArgument &QDBusArgument:: operator<< ( qlonglong arg )


Appends the primitive value arg 类型 INT64 to the D-Bus stream.

QDBusArgument &QDBusArgument:: operator<< ( qulonglong arg )


Appends the primitive value arg 类型 UINT64 to the D-Bus stream.

QDBusArgument &QDBusArgument:: operator<< ( double arg )


Appends the primitive value arg 类型 DOUBLE (double-precision floating-point) to the D-Bus stream.

QDBusArgument &QDBusArgument:: operator<< (const QString & arg )


Appends the primitive value arg 类型 STRING (Unicode character string) to the D-Bus stream.

QDBusArgument &QDBusArgument:: operator<< (const QDBusVariant & arg )


Appends the primitive value arg 类型 VARIANT to the D-Bus stream.

A D-Bus variant type can contain any type, including other variants. It is similar to the Qt QVariant 类型。

QDBusArgument &QDBusArgument:: operator<< (const QStringList & arg )


追加 QStringList given by arg as ARRAY of STRING to the D-Bus stream.

QStringList and QByteArray are the only two non-primitive types that are supported directly by QDBusArgument because of their widespread usage in Qt applications.

Other arrays are supported through compound types in Qt D-Bus.

QDBusArgument &QDBusArgument:: operator<< (const QByteArray & arg )


追加 QByteArray given by arg as ARRAY of BYTE to the D-Bus stream.

QStringList and QByteArray are the only two non-primitive types that are supported directly by QDBusArgument because of their widespread usage in Qt applications.

Other arrays are supported through compound types in Qt D-Bus.

QDBusArgument &QDBusArgument:: operator= (const QDBusArgument & other )

拷贝 other QDBusArgument 对象到此对象。

Both objects will therefore contain the same state from this point forward. QDBusArguments are explicitly shared and, therefore, any modification to either copy will affect the other one too.

const QDBusArgument &QDBusArgument:: operator>> ( uchar & arg ) const

Extracts one D-BUS primitive argument of type BYTE from the D-BUS stream and puts it into arg .

const QDBusArgument &QDBusArgument:: operator>> ( bool & arg ) const


Extracts one D-Bus primitive argument of type BOOLEAN from the D-Bus stream.

const QDBusArgument &QDBusArgument:: operator>> ( short & arg ) const


Extracts one D-Bus primitive argument of type INT16 from the D-Bus stream.

const QDBusArgument &QDBusArgument:: operator>> ( ushort & arg ) const


Extracts one D-Bus primitive argument of type UINT16 from the D-Bus stream.

const QDBusArgument &QDBusArgument:: operator>> ( int & arg ) const


Extracts one D-Bus primitive argument of type INT32 from the D-Bus stream.

const QDBusArgument &QDBusArgument:: operator>> ( uint & arg ) const


Extracts one D-Bus primitive argument of type UINT32 from the D-Bus stream.

const QDBusArgument &QDBusArgument:: operator>> ( qlonglong & arg ) const


Extracts one D-Bus primitive argument of type INT64 from the D-Bus stream.

const QDBusArgument &QDBusArgument:: operator>> ( qulonglong & arg ) const


Extracts one D-Bus primitive argument of type UINT64 from the D-Bus stream.

const QDBusArgument &QDBusArgument:: operator>> ( double & arg ) const


Extracts one D-Bus primitive argument of type DOUBLE (double-precision floating point) from the D-Bus stream.

const QDBusArgument &QDBusArgument:: operator>> ( QString & arg ) const


Extracts one D-Bus primitive argument of type STRING (Unicode character string) from the D-Bus stream.

const QDBusArgument &QDBusArgument:: operator>> ( QDBusVariant & arg ) const


Extracts one D-Bus primitive argument of type VARIANT from the D-Bus stream.

A D-Bus variant type can contain any type, including other variants. It is similar to the Qt QVariant 类型。

In case the variant contains a type not directly supported by QDBusArgument , the value of the returned QDBusVariant will contain another QDBusArgument . It is your responsibility to further demarshall it into another type.

const QDBusArgument &QDBusArgument:: operator>> ( QStringList & arg ) const


Extracts an array of strings from the D-Bus stream and return it as a QStringList .

QStringList and QByteArray are the only two non-primitive types that are supported directly by QDBusArgument because of their widespread usage in Qt applications.

Other arrays are supported through compound types in Qt D-Bus.

const QDBusArgument &QDBusArgument:: operator>> ( QByteArray & arg ) const


Extracts an array of bytes from the D-Bus stream and return it as a QByteArray .

QStringList and QByteArray are the only two non-primitive types that are supported directly by QDBusArgument because of their widespread usage in Qt applications.

Other arrays are supported through compound types in Qt D-Bus.


template <typename T> QMetaType qDBusRegisterMetaType ()

注册 T 采用 Qt D-Bus Type System and the Qt meta-type system , if it's not already registered.

To register a type, it must be declared as a meta-type with the Q_DECLARE_METATYPE () macro, and then registered as in the following example:

#include <QDBusMetaType>

T isn't one of Qt's 容器类 operator<< and operator>> streaming operators between T and QDBusArgument must be already declared. See the Qt D-Bus Type System page for more information on how to declare such types.

This function returns the Qt meta type id for the type (the same value that is returned from qRegisterMetaType ()).

注意: The feature that a T inheriting a streamable type (including the containers QList , QHash or QMap ) can be streamed without providing custom operator<< and operator>> is deprecated as of Qt 5.7, because it ignores everything in T except the base class. There is no diagnostic. You should always provide these operators for all types you wish to stream and not rely on Qt-provided stream operators for base classes.

注意: 此函数是 thread-safe .

另请参阅 Qt D-Bus Type System , qRegisterMetaType (),和 QMetaType .

template <typename T> T qdbus_cast (const QDBusArgument & arg )

Attempts to demarshall the contents of arg into the type T 。例如:

MyType item = qdbus_cast<Type>(argument);

Note that it is equivalent to the following:

MyType item;
argument >> item;