QConstIterator 结构

template <typename Container> struct QConstIterator

QConstIterator 允许迭代容器在 QVariant . 更多...

头: #include <QConstIterator>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Core)
qmake: QT += core
Since: Qt 6.0
继承: QBaseIterator


QConstIterator (const QIterable<Container> * iterable , void * iterator )
bool operator!= (const QConstIterator<Container> & other ) const
QConstIterator<Container> operator+ (qsizetype j ) const
QConstIterator<Container> & operator++ ()
QConstIterator<Container> operator++ (int)
QConstIterator<Container> & operator+= (qsizetype j )
QConstIterator<Container> operator- (qsizetype j ) const
qsizetype operator- (const QConstIterator<Container> & j ) const
QConstIterator<Container> & operator-- ()
QConstIterator<Container> operator-- (int)
QConstIterator<Container> & operator-= (qsizetype j )
bool operator== (const QConstIterator<Container> & other ) const


另请参阅 QIterator and QIterable .


[explicit] QConstIterator:: QConstIterator (const QIterable < Container > * iterable , void * iterator )

创建 QConstIterator 以包裹 iterator ,操作 iterable .

bool QConstIterator:: operator!= (const QConstIterator < Container > & other ) const

返回 true if other 指向与此迭代器不同的项;否则返回 false .

另请参阅 operator== ().

QConstIterator < Container > QConstIterator:: operator+ ( qsizetype j ) const

Returns an iterator to the item at j positions forward from this iterator.

另请参阅 operator- () 和 operator+= ().

QConstIterator < Container > &QConstIterator:: operator++ ()

The prefix ++ operator ( ++it ) advances the iterator to the next item in the container and returns an iterator to the new current item.

Calling this function on QIterable <Container>::end() leads to undefined results.

另请参阅 operator-- ().

QConstIterator < Container > QConstIterator:: operator++ ( int )


The postfix ++ operator ( it++ ) advances the iterator to the next item in the container and returns an iterator to the previously current item.

QConstIterator < Container > &QConstIterator:: operator+= ( qsizetype j )

Advances the iterator by j 项。

另请参阅 operator-= () 和 operator+ ().

QConstIterator < Container > QConstIterator:: operator- ( qsizetype j ) const

Returns an iterator to the item at j positions backward from this iterator.

If the container in the QVariant does not support bi-directional iteration, calling this function leads to undefined results.

另请参阅 operator+ (), operator-= (),和 QIterable::canReverseIterate ().

qsizetype QConstIterator:: operator- (const QConstIterator < Container > & j ) const

Returns the distance between the two iterators.

另请参阅 operator+ (), operator-= (),和 QIterable::canReverseIterate ().

QConstIterator < Container > &QConstIterator:: operator-- ()

The prefix -- operator ( --it ) makes the preceding item current and returns an iterator to the new current item.

Calling this function on QIterable <Container>::begin() leads to undefined results.

If the container in the QVariant does not support bi-directional iteration, calling this function leads to undefined results.

另请参阅 operator++ () 和 QIterable::canReverseIterate ().

QConstIterator < Container > QConstIterator:: operator-- ( int )


The postfix -- operator ( it-- ) makes the preceding item current and returns an iterator to the previously current item.

If the container in the QVariant does not support bi-directional iteration, calling this function leads to undefined results.

另请参阅 QIterable::canReverseIterate ().

QConstIterator < Container > &QConstIterator:: operator-= ( qsizetype j )

Makes the iterator go back by j 项。

If the container in the QVariant does not support bi-directional iteration, calling this function leads to undefined results.

另请参阅 operator+= (), operator- (),和 QIterable::canReverseIterate ().

bool QConstIterator:: operator== (const QConstIterator < Container > & other ) const

返回 true if other points to the same item as this iterator; otherwise returns false .

另请参阅 operator!= ().