
Design your application so that it can be adapted to various languages and regions without engineering changes. For more information, see:

You can use Qt Creator wizard templates to create Qt widget-based projects with translation support. For more information, see Qt Creator: Creating Projects .


The following examples illustrate how to prepare Qt applications for translation:

  • Hello tr() is a C++ application that demonstrates the creation of a QTranslator object. It also shows the simplest use of the tr() function to mark user-visible source text for translation.
  • Arrow Pad is a C++ application that demonstrates how to make the application load translations depending on the current locale. It also shows the use of the two-argument form of tr() which provides additional information to the translator.
  • Troll Print is a C++ application that demonstrates how to distinguish identical source text in the same context. It also shows how minimize the translator's work when an application is upgraded.
  • Qt Quick I18N demonstrates how to internationalize Qt Quick applications.

