QWaylandClient Class

The QWaylandClient class represents a client connecting to the QWaylandCompositor . 更多...

头: #include <QWaylandClient>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 COMPONENTS Waylandcompositor REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Waylandcompositor)
qmake: QT += waylandcompositor
Since: Qt 5.8
实例化: WaylandClient
继承: QObject



virtual ~QWaylandClient () override
wl_client * client () const
QWaylandCompositor * compositor () const
qint64 groupId () const
void kill (int signal = SIGTERM)
qint64 processId () const
qint64 userId () const


void close ()


QWaylandClient * fromWlClient (QWaylandCompositor * compositor , wl_client * wlClient )


This class corresponds to a client connecting to the compositor using the Wayland protocol. It corresponds to the Wayland interface wl_client.


[read-only] compositor : QWaylandCompositor * const

This property holds the compositor of this QWaylandClient .


QWaylandCompositor * compositor () const

[read-only] groupId : const qint64

This property holds the group id of this QWaylandClient .


qint64 groupId () const

[read-only] processId : const qint64

This property holds the process id of this QWaylandClient .


qint64 processId () const

[read-only] userId : const qint64

This property holds the user id of this QWaylandClient .


qint64 userId () const


[slot] void QWaylandClient:: close ()

Closes the client.

[override virtual] QWaylandClient:: ~QWaylandClient ()

销毁 QWaylandClient .

wl_client *QWaylandClient:: client () const

Returns the Wayland client of this QWaylandClient .

[static] QWaylandClient *QWaylandClient:: fromWlClient ( QWaylandCompositor * compositor , wl_client * wlClient )

返回 QWaylandClient corresponding to the Wayland client wlClient and compositor . If a QWaylandClient has not already been created for a client, it is created and returned.

[invokable] void QWaylandClient:: kill ( int signal = SIGTERM)

Kills the client with the specified signal .

注意: 此函数可以被援引,通过元对象系统和从 QML。见 Q_INVOKABLE .