QUntypedBindable 类

QUntypedBindable 是统一接口涵盖可绑定特性,像 QProperty\<T\> and QObjectBindableProperty 的任何类型 T . 更多...

头: #include <QUntypedBindable>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 COMPONENTS Core REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Core)
qmake: QT += core
Since: Qt 6.0
继承者: QBindable


  QUntypedBindable (Property * property )
  QUntypedBindable ()
QPropertyNotifier addNotifier (Functor f )
QUntypedPropertyBinding binding () const
bool hasBinding () const
bool isReadOnly () const
bool isValid () const
QUntypedPropertyBinding makeBinding (const QPropertyBindingSourceLocation & location = QT_PROPERTY_DEFAULT_BINDING_LOCATION) const
QMetaType metaType () const
QPropertyChangeHandler<Functor> onValueChanged (Functor f ) const
bool setBinding (const QUntypedPropertyBinding & binding )
QPropertyChangeHandler<Functor> subscribe (Functor f ) const
QUntypedPropertyBinding takeBinding ()


QUntypedBindable is a fully type-erased generic interface to wrap bindable properties. You can use it to interact with properties without knowing their type nor caring what kind of bindable property they are (e.g. QProperty or QObjectBindableProperty ). For most use cases, using QBindable <T> (which is generic over the property implementation but has a fixed type) should be preferred.


template <typename Property> QUntypedBindable:: QUntypedBindable ( Property * property )

Constructs a QUntypedBindable from the property property . If Property is const, the QUntypedBindable will be read only. If property is null, the QUntypedBindable will be invalid.

另请参阅 isValid () 和 isReadOnly ().

QUntypedBindable:: QUntypedBindable ()

Default-constructs a QUntypedBindable. It is in an invalid state.

另请参阅 isValid ().

template <typename Functor> QPropertyNotifier QUntypedBindable:: addNotifier ( Functor f )

Installs f as a change handler. Whenever the underlying property changes, f will be called, as long as the returned QPropertyNotifier and the property are kept alive.

This method is in some cases easier to use than onValueChanged (), as the returned object is not a template. It can therefore more easily be stored, e.g. as a member in a class.

另请参阅 onValueChanged () 和 subscribe ().

QUntypedPropertyBinding QUntypedBindable:: binding () const

Returns the underlying property's binding if there is any, or a default constructed QUntypedPropertyBinding otherwise.

另请参阅 setBinding () 和 hasBinding ().

bool QUntypedBindable:: hasBinding () const

返回 true if the underlying property has a binding.

[since 6.1] bool QUntypedBindable:: isReadOnly () const

返回 true 若 QUntypedBindable is read-only.

该函数在 Qt 6.1 引入。

bool QUntypedBindable:: isValid () const

返回 true 若 QUntypedBindable is valid. Methods called on an invalid QUntypedBindable generally have no effect, unless otherwise noted.

QUntypedPropertyBinding QUntypedBindable:: makeBinding (const QPropertyBindingSourceLocation & location = QT_PROPERTY_DEFAULT_BINDING_LOCATION) const

Creates a binding returning the underlying properties' value, using a specified source location .

[since 6.2] QMetaType QUntypedBindable:: metaType () const

Returns the metatype of the property from which the QUntypedBindable was created. If the bindable is invalid, an invalid metatype will be returned.

该函数在 Qt 6.2 引入。

另请参阅 isValid ().

template <typename Functor> QPropertyChangeHandler < Functor > QUntypedBindable:: onValueChanged ( Functor f ) const

Installs f as a change handler. Whenever the underlying property changes, f will be called, as long as the returned QPropertyChangeHandler and the property are kept alive. On each value change, the handler is either called immediately, or deferred, depending on the context.

另请参阅 onValueChanged() and subscribe ().

bool QUntypedBindable:: setBinding (const QUntypedPropertyBinding & binding )

Sets the underlying property's binding to binding . This does not have any effect if the QUntypedBindable is read-only, null or if binding 's type does match the underlying property's type.

返回 true when the binding was successfully set.

另请参阅 binding ().

template <typename Functor> QPropertyChangeHandler < Functor > QUntypedBindable:: subscribe ( Functor f ) const

Behaves like a call to f followed by onValueChanged(f) ,

另请参阅 onValueChanged ().

[since 6.1] QUntypedPropertyBinding QUntypedBindable:: takeBinding ()

Removes the currently set binding from the property and returns it. Returns a default-constructed QUntypedPropertyBinding if no binding is set.

该函数在 Qt 6.1 引入。