Qt Quick Controls 支持的环境变量

This page contains a list of all environment variables that Qt Quick Controls supports. The environment variables are primarily meant for testing purposes, but they can also be used to set system-wide defaults.

变量 描述
QT_QUICK_CONTROLS_STYLE 指定默认 Qt Quick Controls style . The value can be either one of the built-in styles, for example "Material" , or a custom style such as "MyStyle" .
QT_QUICK_CONTROLS_FALLBACK_STYLE Specifies a fallback style for custom styles . The value can be one of the built-in styles, for example "Material" ,
QT_QUICK_CONTROLS_CONF Specifies the location of the Qt Quick Controls configuration file . By default, the configuration file is loaded from the application's resources in ":/qtquickcontrols2.conf" .
QT_QUICK_CONTROLS_HOVER_ENABLED Specifies whether Qt Quick Controls use hover effects . The value can be set to 0 or 1 to disable or enable hover effects, respectively.

想象风格 specific environment variables:

变量 描述
QT_QUICK_CONTROLS_IMAGINE_PATH Specifies the path to the directory that contains the Imagine style assets. If not specified, the built-in assets are used.

For example, to specify a path to a directory stored in the 资源系统 :


To specify a relative path to a local directory:


注意: Due to a technical limitation, the path should not be named "imagine" if it is relative to the qtquickcontrols2.conf 文件。

材质风格 specific environment variables:

变量 描述
QT_QUICK_CONTROLS_MATERIAL_THEME 指定默认 材质主题 . The value can be one of the available themes, for example "Dark" .
QT_QUICK_CONTROLS_MATERIAL_VARIANT Specifies the Material variant. The Material Design has two variants: a normal variant designed for touch devices, and a dense variant for desktop. The dense variant uses smaller sizes for controls and their fonts.

The value can be "Normal" or "Dense" .

QT_QUICK_CONTROLS_MATERIAL_ACCENT 指定默认 Material accent color 。值可以是任何 color , but it is recommended to use one of the 预定义材质颜色 ,例如 "Teal" .
QT_QUICK_CONTROLS_MATERIAL_PRIMARY 指定默认 Material primary color 。值可以是任何 color , but it is recommended to use one of the 预定义材质颜色 ,例如 "BlueGrey" .
QT_QUICK_CONTROLS_MATERIAL_FOREGROUND 指定默认 材质前景颜色 。值可以是任何 color ,或某一 预定义材质颜色 ,例如 "Brown" .
QT_QUICK_CONTROLS_MATERIAL_BACKGROUND 指定默认 材质背景颜色 。值可以是任何 color ,或某一 预定义材质颜色 ,例如 "Grey" .

Universal style specific environment variables:

变量 描述
QT_QUICK_CONTROLS_UNIVERSAL_THEME 指定默认 通用主题 . The value can be one of the available themes, for example "Dark" .
QT_QUICK_CONTROLS_UNIVERSAL_ACCENT 指定默认 Universal accent color 。值可以是任何 color , but it is recommended to use one of the 预定义通用颜色 ,例如 "Violet" .
QT_QUICK_CONTROLS_UNIVERSAL_FOREGROUND 指定默认 通用前景颜色 。值可以是任何 color ,或某一 预定义通用颜色 ,例如 "Brown" .
QT_QUICK_CONTROLS_UNIVERSAL_BACKGROUND 指定默认 通用背景颜色 。值可以是任何 color ,或某一 预定义通用颜色 ,例如 "Steel" .