QTextDocumentFragment 类

QTextDocumentFragment 类表示一块格式化文本,来自 QTextDocument . 更多...

头: #include <QTextDocumentFragment>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 COMPONENTS Gui REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Gui)
qmake: QT += gui

注意: 此类的所有函数 可重入 .


  QTextDocumentFragment (const QTextDocumentFragment & other )
  QTextDocumentFragment (const QTextCursor & cursor )
  QTextDocumentFragment (const QTextDocument * document )
  QTextDocumentFragment ()
QTextDocumentFragment & operator= (const QTextDocumentFragment & other )
  ~QTextDocumentFragment ()
bool isEmpty () const
QString toHtml () const
QString toPlainText () const


QTextDocumentFragment fromHtml (const QString & text , const QTextDocument * resourceProvider = nullptr)
QTextDocumentFragment fromPlainText (const QString & plainText )


A QTextDocumentFragment is a fragment of rich text, that can be inserted into a QTextDocument . A document fragment can be created from a QTextDocument , from a QTextCursor 's selection, or from another document fragment. Document fragments can also be created by the static functions, fromPlainText () 和 fromHtml ().

The contents of a document fragment can be obtained as plain text by using the toPlainText () function, or it can be obtained as HTML with toHtml ().


QTextDocumentFragment:: QTextDocumentFragment (const QTextDocumentFragment & other )

拷贝构造函数。创建副本针对 other 片段。

QTextDocumentFragment:: QTextDocumentFragment (const QTextCursor & cursor )

Creates a QTextDocumentFragment from the cursor 's selection. If the cursor doesn't have a selection, the created fragment is empty.

另请参阅 isEmpty () 和 QTextCursor::selection ().

QTextDocumentFragment:: QTextDocumentFragment (const QTextDocument * document )

转换给定 document into a QTextDocumentFragment. Note that the QTextDocumentFragment only stores the document contents, not meta information like the document's title.

QTextDocumentFragment:: QTextDocumentFragment ()

构造空的 QTextDocumentFragment。

另请参阅 isEmpty ().

QTextDocumentFragment &QTextDocumentFragment:: operator= (const QTextDocumentFragment & other )

赋值 other fragment to this fragment.

QTextDocumentFragment:: ~QTextDocumentFragment ()


[static] QTextDocumentFragment QTextDocumentFragment:: fromHtml (const QString & text , const QTextDocument * resourceProvider = nullptr)

返回 QTextDocumentFragment based on the arbitrary piece of HTML in the given text . The formatting is preserved as much as possible; for example, "<b>bold</b>" will become a document fragment with the text "bold" with a bold character format.

If the provided HTML contains references to external resources such as imported style sheets, then they will be loaded through the resourceProvider .

[static] QTextDocumentFragment QTextDocumentFragment:: fromPlainText (const QString & plainText )

Returns a document fragment that contains the given plainText .

When inserting such a fragment into a QTextDocument the current char format of the QTextCursor used for insertion is used as format for the text.

bool QTextDocumentFragment:: isEmpty () const

返回 true if the fragment is empty; otherwise returns false .

QString QTextDocumentFragment:: toHtml () const

Returns the contents of the document fragment as HTML.

另请参阅 toPlainText () 和 QTextDocument::toHtml ().

QString QTextDocumentFragment:: toPlainText () const

Returns the document fragment's text as plain text (i.e. with no formatting information).

另请参阅 toHtml ().