

    [QML_FILES ...]
    [RESOURCES ...]
    [PREFIX resource_path]
    [OUTPUT_TARGETS out_targets_var]

versionless commands are disabled, use qt6_target_qml_sources() instead. It supports the same set of arguments as this command.


注意: This command requires CMake 3.19 or later.

qt_target_qml_sources() provides the ability to add more files to a QML module after qt_add_qml_module() has been called. Typically, you pass the set of .qml files and resources to qt_add_qml_module() directly, but in some cases, it may be desirable, or even necessary, to add files after qt_add_qml_module() has been called. For example, you may wish to add files conditionally based on an if statement expression, or from subdirectories that will only be added if certain criteria are met. You might want to add a set of files with different characteristics to the others, such as a different resource prefix, or with linting and bytecode compilation disabled. The qt_target_qml_sources() command enables these scenarios.


target must be the backing target of a QML module, or if the QML module has no separate backing target, it must be the module's plugin target.

QML_FILES 是列表化的 .qml , .js and .mjs files to be added to the QML module. This option has exactly the same effect as the QML_FILES option of the qt_add_qml_module() command, including the automatic compilation to bytecode and lint processing.

NO_CACHEGEN and NO_LINT options also have the same effect as they do for qt_add_qml_module() . They disable the bytecode compilation and lint processing for the files listed with QML_FILES . This behavior can also be specified just for individual files using source file properties .

NO_QMLDIR_TYPES prevents the QML_FILES from being added as types to the generated qmldir 文件。

RESOURCES has exactly the same effect as the RESOURCES option of the qt_add_qml_module() command. It provides a list of files to be added to the target as ordinary resources. These files are typically things like images, shaders, etc. that the QML code refers to in some way.

Files added to the module via QML_FILES or RESOURCES will be placed under the same resource prefix and target path as they would if they were added by the qt_add_qml_module() command. This can be overridden by providing a different location with the PREFIX option. The value following the PREFIX keyword will be used directly, without appending any target path. The final resource path of each file will be the prefix, plus the path of the file below the CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR QT_RESOURCE_ALIAS source file property can also be used to override that relative path.

    URI Example
    VERSION 1.0
    RESOURCE_PREFIX /my.company.com/imports
    QML_FILES special/First.qml
    RESOURCES icons/logo.png
    PREFIX /other.company.com/debugging
    QML_FILES Inspector.qml

In the above example, the backing target's resources will end up with the following contents:

  • /my.company.com/imports/Example/special/First.qml
  • /my.company.com/imports/Example/icons/logo.png
  • /other.company.com/debugging/Inspector.qml

OUTPUT_TARGETS is also analogous to the same option for qt_add_qml_module() . Use it to specify the name of a variable in which to store any additional targets created for static builds. If the target will be installed, these additional targets will also need to be installed to satisfy linking requirements.

Source File Properties

A number of source file properties can be used to influence how each individual .qml file is treated at various points in the QML module processing. These override any higher level options specified in calls to qt_target_qml_sources() or qt_add_qml_module() . All of these properties need to be set before the files are added with either of those two commands.

QT_QML_SKIP_QMLLINT can be set to TRUE on a source file to prevent it from being included in the automatic qmllint processing . By default, all .qml files will be included in the target's lint run, but this option can be used to exclude specific files.

QT_QML_SKIP_CACHEGEN does a similar thing, preventing a source file from being compiled to byte code when this property is set to TRUE . Note that the file will still be added to the target as a resource in uncompiled form (see Caching compiled QML sources ).

设置 QT_QML_SKIP_QMLDIR_ENTRY source file property to TRUE to prevent that .qml file from being added as a type to the QML module's typeinfo file (see Auto-generating qmldir and typeinfo files ). This would normally only be used for a file that does not expose a public type, such as a private JS file.

By default, when generating the qmldir file , a single type entry will be generated for each .qml file that provides a type. It will be given a version number X.0 where X is the major version of the QML module. If the QML module has any PAST_MAJOR_VERSIONS set, the same pattern will be applied to those too, appending X.0 for each past major version X . For situations where a file needs to provide type entries for a different set of versions instead (e.g. it was first added in a minor patch version after the .0 release), specify those versions in the source file's QT_QML_SOURCE_VERSIONS property. One type entry will be created for each version.

If the type that a .qml file provides is a singleton, set its QT_QML_SINGLETON_TYPE 特性到 TRUE . Similarly, the file's QT_QML_INTERNAL_TYPE source property can be set to TRUE to indicate that the type it provides is an internal one. The name of the type itself can also be overridden using the QT_QML_SOURCE_TYPENAME property. All three of these will be reflected in the file's type entries in the generated qmldir file .

All files listed with QML_FILES or RESOURCES will be added to the target 's resources. Their location in the resources consists of a base point and a relative path. The base point defaults to the concatenation of the QML module's resource prefix and its target path, but these can be overridden with the PREFIX argument. The relative path will default to the path of the file relative to the target 's SOURCE_DIR target property. This relative path can be overridden by setting the QT_RESOURCE_ALIAS property on the source file. This is commonly used to collect files from different directories and have them appear in the resources under a common location.

set_source_files_properties(nested/way/down/File.qml PROPERTIES
set_source_files_properties(TemplateFile.qml PROPERTIES
    QT_RESOURCE_ALIAS templates/File.qml
    URI Example
    VERSION 2.3
    RESOURCE_PREFIX /my.company.com/imports
set_source_files_properties(some_old_thing.qml PROPERTIES
set_source_files_properties(../../../images/button-types.png PROPERTIES
    QT_RESOURCE_ALIAS button-types.png
    QML_FILES some_old_thing.qml

In the above example, the qt_target_qml_sources_example target's resources will end up with the following contents:

  • /my.company.com/imports/Example/File.qml
  • /my.company.com/imports/Example/templates/File.qml
  • /my.company.com/imports/Example/some_old_thing.qml
  • /my.company.com/imports/Example/button-types.png
  • /my.company.com/imports/Example/doc/README.txt

The generated qmldir file will contain the following type entries:

File 2.0 File.qml
OldThing 1.1 some_old_thing.qml
OldThing 2.0 some_old_thing.qml