QQmlFileSelector Class

A class for applying a QFileSelector to QML file loading. 更多...

头: #include <QQmlFileSelector>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 COMPONENTS Qml REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Qml)
qmake: QT += qml
Since: Qt 5.2
继承: QObject


  QQmlFileSelector (QQmlEngine * engine , QObject * parent = nullptr)
virtual ~QQmlFileSelector () override
QFileSelector * 选择器 () const
void setExtraSelectors (const QStringList & strings )
void setSelector (QFileSelector * 选择器 )


QQmlFileSelector will automatically apply a QFileSelector to qml file and asset paths.

It is used as follows:

QQmlEngine engine;
QQmlFileSelector* selector = new QQmlFileSelector(&engine);

Then you can swap out files like so:


In this example, main.qml will normally use Component.qml for the Component type. However on a unix platform, the unix selector will be present and the +unix/Component.qml version will be used instead. Note that this acts like swapping out Component.qml with +unix/Component.qml, so when using Component.qml you should not need to alter any paths based on which version was selected.

For example, to pass the "asset.png" file path around you would refer to it just as "asset.png" in all of main.qml, Component.qml, and +linux/Component.qml. It will be replaced with +mac/asset.png on Mac platforms in all cases.

For a list of available selectors, see QFileSelector .

Your platform may also provide additional selectors for you to use. As specified by QFileSelector , directories used for selection must start with a '+' character, so you will not accidentally trigger this feature unless you have directories with such names inside your project.

If a new QQmlFileSelector is set on the engine, the old one will be replaced.


QQmlFileSelector:: QQmlFileSelector ( QQmlEngine * engine , QObject * parent = nullptr)

Creates a new QQmlFileSelector with parent object parent , which includes its own QFileSelector . engine QQmlEngine you wish to apply file selectors to. It will also take ownership of the QQmlFileSelector.

[override virtual] QQmlFileSelector:: ~QQmlFileSelector ()

销毁 QQmlFileSelector 对象。

[since 5.7] QFileSelector *QQmlFileSelector:: 选择器 () const

返回 QFileSelector instance used by the QQmlFileSelector .

该函数在 Qt 5.7 引入。

另请参阅 setSelector ().

void QQmlFileSelector:: setExtraSelectors (const QStringList & strings )

Adds extra selectors contained in strings to the current QFileSelector being used. Use this when extra selectors are all you need to avoid having to create your own QFileSelector 实例。

void QQmlFileSelector:: setSelector ( QFileSelector * 选择器 )

设置 QFileSelector instance for use by the QQmlFileSelector to 选择器 . QQmlFileSelector does not take ownership of the new QFileSelector . To reset QQmlFileSelector to use its internal QFileSelector instance, call setSelector( nullptr ).

另请参阅 选择器 ().