XdgShell QML Type

Provides an extension for desktop-style user interfaces. 更多...

Since: Qt 5.12
实例化: QWaylandXdgShell



  • void ping (WaylandClient client )


The XdgShell extension provides a way to associate a XdgToplevel or XdgPopup 与常规 Waylnd 表面。使用 XdgToplevel interface, the client can request that the surface is resized, moved, and so on.

XdgShell corresponds to the Wayland interface, xdg_shell .

To provide the functionality of the shell extension in a compositor, create an instance of the XdgShell component and add it to the list of extensions supported by the compositor:

import QtWayland.Compositor.XdgShell
WaylandCompositor {
    XdgShell {
        // ...


pong ( int serial )

This signal is emitted when the client has responded to a ping event with serial, serial .

注意: 相应处理程序是 onPong .

另请参阅 ping() .

popupCreated ( XdgPopup popup , XdgSurface xdgSurface )

This signal is emitted when the client has created a xdg_popup . A common use case is to let the handler of this signal instantiate a ShellSurfaceItem or WaylandQuickItem for displaying popup QtQuick scene.

xdgSurface XdgSurface popup is the role object for.

注意: 相应处理程序是 onPopupCreated .

toplevelCreated ( XdgToplevel toplevel , XdgSurface xdgSurface )

This signal is emitted when the client has created a xdg_toplevel . A common use case is to let the handler of this signal instantiate a ShellSurfaceItem or WaylandQuickItem for displaying toplevel QtQuick scene.

xdgSurface XdgSurface toplevel is the role object for.

注意: 相应处理程序是 onToplevelCreated .

xdgSurfaceCreated ( XdgSurface xdgSurface )

This signal is emitted when the client has created a xdg_surface 。注意, xdgSurface is not mapped, i.e. according to the xdg-shell protocol it should not be displayed, until it has received a role object.

注意: 相应处理程序是 onXdgSurfaceCreated .

另请参阅 toplevelCreated() and popupCreated() .


void ping ( WaylandClient client )

Sends a ping event to client . If the client replies to the event the pong signal will be emitted.