WaylandSeat QML Type

Provides access to keyboard, mouse, and touch input. 更多...

导入语句: import QtWayland.Compositor 1.2
Since: Qt 5.8
实例化: QWaylandSeat



The WaylandSeat type provides access to different types of user input and maintains a keyboard focus and a mouse pointer. It corresponds to the wl_seat interface in the Wayland protocol.


[since 5.12] void sendKeyEvent ( int qtKey , bool pressed )

Sends a key press (if pressed is true ) or release (if pressed is false ) event of a key qtKey to the keyboard device.

该方法在 Qt 5.12 引入。

void sendTouchCancelEvent ( WaylandClient client )

Sends a cancel event to the touch device of a client .

void sendTouchFrameEvent ( WaylandClient client )

Sends a frame event to the touch device of a client to indicate the end of a series of touch up, down, and motion events.

void sendTouchPointMoved ( WaylandSurface surface , int id , point position )

Sends a touch moved event for the touch point id on surface with position position .

注意: You need to send a touch frame event when you are done sending touch events.

警告: This API should not be used in combination with forwarding of touch events using WaylandQuickItem::touchEventsEnabled , as it might lead to conflicting touch ids.

Returns the serial for the touch motion event.

uint sendTouchPointPressed ( WaylandSurface surface , int id , point position )

Sends a touch pressed event for the touch point id on surface with position position .

注意: You need to send a touch frame event when you are done sending touch events.

警告: This API should not be used in combination with forwarding of touch events using WaylandQuickItem::touchEventsEnabled , as it might lead to conflicting touch ids.

Returns the serial for the touch down event.

void sendTouchPointReleased ( WaylandSurface surface , int id , point position )

Sends a touch released event for the touch point id on surface with position position .

注意: You need to send a touch frame event when you are done sending touch events.

警告: This API should not be used in combination with forwarding of touch events using WaylandQuickItem::touchEventsEnabled , as it might lead to conflicting touch ids.

Returns the serial for the touch up event.