WaylandOutput QML Type

Provides access to a displayable area managed by the compositor. 更多...

导入语句: import QtWayland.Compositor 1.2
Since: Qt 5.8
实例化: QWaylandOutput



The WaylandOutput manages a rectangular area within bounds of the compositor's geometry, to use it for displaying client content. This could, for instance, be a screen managed by the WaylandCompositor .

The type corresponds to the wl_output interface in the Wayland protocol.

注意: If the compositor has multiple Wayland outputs, the Qt::AA_ShareOpenGLContexts attribute must be set before the QGuiApplication object is constructed.


automaticFrameCallback : bool

This property holds whether the WaylandOutput automatically sends frame callbacks when rendering.

默认为 true。

availableGeometry : rect

This property holds the geometry of the WaylandOutput available for displaying content. The available geometry is in output coordinates space, starts from 0,0 and it's as big as the output by default.

另请参阅 QWaylandOutput::geometry .

compositor : WaylandCompositor

This property holds the compositor displaying content on this WaylandOutput .

注意: This property can be set only once, before the WaylandOutput component is completed.

geometry : rect

This property holds the geometry of the WaylandOutput .

manufacturer : string

This property holds a textual description of the manufacturer of this WaylandOutput .

model : string

This property holds a textual description of the model of this WaylandOutput .

physicalSize : size

This property holds the physical size of the WaylandOutput in millimeters.

另请参阅 QWaylandOutput::geometry .

position : point

This property holds the position of this WaylandOutput in the compositor's coordinate system.

scaleFactor : int

This property holds the factor by which the WaylandCompositor scales surface buffers before they are displayed. It is used on high density output devices where unscaled content would be too small to be practical. The client can in turn set the scale factor of its buffer to match the output if it prefers to provide high resolution content that is suitable for the output device.

The default is 1 (no scaling).

sizeFollowsWindow : bool

This property controls whether the size of the WaylandOutput matches the size of its window.

If this property is true, all modes previously added are replaced by a mode that matches window size and screen refresh rate.

默认为 false。

subpixel : enum

This property holds the subpixel arrangement of this WaylandOutput .

  • WaylandOutput .SubpixelUnknown The subpixel arrangement is not set.
  • WaylandOutput .SubpixelNone There are no subpixels.
  • WaylandOutput .SubpixelHorizontalRgb The subpixels are arranged horizontally in red, green, blue order.
  • WaylandOutput .SubpixelHorizontalBgr The subpixels are arranged horizontally in blue, green, red order.
  • WaylandOutput .SubpixelVerticalRgb The subpixels are arranged vertically in red, green, blue order.
  • WaylandOutput .SubpixelVerticalBgr The subpixels are arranged vertically in blue, green, red order.

默认为 WaylandOutput .SubpixelUnknown.

transform : enum

This property holds the transformation that the QWaylandCompositor applies to a surface to compensate for the orientation of the QWaylandOutput .

默认为 WaylandOutput .TransformNormal.

window : Window

This property holds the Window for this WaylandOutput .

注意: This property can be set only once, before the WaylandOutput component is completed.