QIntValidator 类

QIntValidator 类提供确保字符串包含指定范围内有效整数的验证器。 更多...

头: #include <QIntValidator>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 COMPONENTS Gui REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Gui)
qmake: QT += gui
继承: QValidator



  QIntValidator (int minimum , int maximum , QObject * parent = nullptr)
  QIntValidator (QObject * parent = nullptr)
virtual ~QIntValidator ()
int bottom () const
void setBottom (int)
void setRange (int bottom , int top )
void setTop (int)
int top () const


virtual void fixup (QString & input ) const override
virtual QValidator::State validate (QString & input , int & pos ) const override


void bottomChanged (int bottom )
void topChanged (int top )



QValidator *validator = new QIntValidator(100, 999, this);
QLineEdit *edit = new QLineEdit(this);
// the edit lineedit will only accept integers between 100 and 999

下文呈现一些验证器范例。在实践中,它们通常关联上文范例中的 Widget。

QString str;
int pos = 0;
QIntValidator v(100, 900, this);
str = "1";
v.validate(str, pos);     // returns Intermediate
str = "012";
v.validate(str, pos);     // returns Intermediate
str = "123";
v.validate(str, pos);     // returns Acceptable
str = "678";
v.validate(str, pos);     // returns Acceptable
str = "999";
v.validate(str, pos);    // returns Intermediate
str = "1234";
v.validate(str, pos);     // returns Invalid
str = "-123";
v.validate(str, pos);     // returns Invalid
str = "abc";
v.validate(str, pos);     // returns Invalid
str = "12cm";
v.validate(str, pos);     // returns Invalid

预告,值 999 返回中间数。由 <= 最大值的数字组成的值,被认为是中间数。这是因为旨在阻止来自范围内数的数字,不一定是最后键入的数字。这还意味着:中间数可以拥有前导 0。

可以设置最小和最大值采用一次调用 setRange (),或单独采用 setBottom () 和 setTop ().

QIntValidator 使用其 locale () 解释数字。例如,在阿拉伯区域设置,QIntValidator 将接受阿拉伯数字。

注意: QLocale::NumberOptions 设置在 locale () 还会影响数字的解释方式。例如,由于 QLocale::RejectGroupSeparator 默认未设置,验证器将接受组分隔符。因此推荐使用 QLocale::toInt () 获得数值。

另请参阅 QDoubleValidator , QRegularExpressionValidator , QLocale::toInt (),和 行编辑范例 .


bottom : int


By default, this property's value is derived from the lowest signed integer available (typically -2147483647).


int bottom () const
void setBottom (int)


void bottomChanged (int bottom )

另请参阅 setRange ().

top : int


默认情况下,此特性值派生自最高可用有符号整数 (通常为 2147483647)。


int top () const
void setTop (int)


void topChanged (int top )

另请参阅 setRange ().


QIntValidator:: QIntValidator ( int minimum , int maximum , QObject * parent = nullptr)

构造验证器采用 parent ,接受整数从 minimum to maximum 包括在内。

QIntValidator:: QIntValidator ( QObject * parent = nullptr)

构造验证器采用 parent 对象接受所有整数。

[virtual] QIntValidator:: ~QIntValidator ()


[override virtual] void QIntValidator:: fixup ( QString & input ) const

重实现: QValidator::fixup (QString &input) const.

void QIntValidator:: setRange ( int bottom , int top )

将验证器范围设为仅接受整数介于 bottom and top 包括在内。

[override virtual] QValidator::State QIntValidator:: validate ( QString & input , int & pos ) const

重实现: QValidator::validate (QString &input, int &pos) const.

返回 Acceptable input 是在有效范围内的整数。若 input has at most as many digits as the top of the range, or is a prefix of an integer in the valid range, returns 中间体 。否则,返回 Invalid .

If the valid range consists of just positive integers (e.g., 32 to 100) and input is a negative integer, then Invalid is returned. (On the other hand, if the range consists of negative integers (e.g., -100 to -32) and input is a positive integer, then Intermediate is returned, because the user might be just about to type the minus (especially for right-to-left languages).

Similarly, if the valid range is between 46 and 53, then 41 and 59 will be evaluated as 中间体 , as otherwise the user wouldn't be able to change a value from 49 to 51.

int pos = 0;
s = "abc";
v.validate(s, pos);    // returns Invalid
s = "5";
v.validate(s, pos);    // returns Intermediate
s = "50";
v.validate(s, pos);    // returns Acceptable

默认情况下, pos 参数并未用于此验证器。