QCommandLineOption 类

QCommandLineOption 类定义可能的命令行选项。 更多...

头: #include <QCommandLineOption>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 COMPONENTS Core REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Core)
qmake: QT += core
Since: Qt 5.2


enum Flag { HiddenFromHelp, ShortOptionStyle }
flags Flags


  QCommandLineOption (const QCommandLineOption & other )
  QCommandLineOption (const QStringList & names , const QString & description , const QString & valueName = QString(), const QString & defaultValue = QString())
  QCommandLineOption (const QString & name , const QString & description , const QString & valueName = QString(), const QString & defaultValue = QString())
  QCommandLineOption (const QStringList & names )
  QCommandLineOption (const QString & name )
QCommandLineOption & operator= (QCommandLineOption && other )
QCommandLineOption & operator= (const QCommandLineOption & other )
  ~QCommandLineOption ()
QStringList defaultValues () const
QString description () const
QCommandLineOption::Flags flags () const
QStringList names () const
void setDefaultValue (const QString & defaultValue )
void setDefaultValues (const QStringList & defaultValues )
void setDescription (const QString & description )
void setFlags (QCommandLineOption::Flags flags )
void setValueName (const QString & valueName )
void swap (QCommandLineOption & other )
QString valueName () const


This class is used to describe an option on the command line. It allows different ways of defining the same option with multiple aliases possible. It is also used to describe how the option is used - it may be a flag (e.g. -v ) or take a value (e.g. -o file ).


QCommandLineOption verboseOption("verbose", "Verbose mode. Prints out more information.");
QCommandLineOption outputOption(QStringList() << "o" << "output", "Write generated data into <file>.", "file");

另请参阅 QCommandLineParser .


enum QCommandLineOption:: Flag
flags QCommandLineOption:: Flags

常量 描述
QCommandLineOption::HiddenFromHelp 0x1 Hide this option in the user-visible help output. All options are visible by default. Setting this flag for a particular option makes it internal, i.e. not listed in the help output.
QCommandLineOption::ShortOptionStyle 0x2 The option will always be understood as a short option, regardless of what was set by QCommandLineParser::setSingleDashWordOptionMode . This allows flags such as -DDEFINE=VALUE or -I/include/path to be interpreted as short flags even when the parser is in QCommandLineParser::ParseAsLongOptions 模式。

Flags 类型是 typedef 对于 QFlags <Flag>。它存储 Flag 值的 OR 组合。

另请参阅 QCommandLineOption::setFlags () 和 QCommandLineOption::flags ().


QCommandLineOption:: QCommandLineOption (const QCommandLineOption & other )

Constructs a QCommandLineOption object that is a copy of the QCommandLineOption object other .

另请参阅 operator= ().

QCommandLineOption:: QCommandLineOption (const QStringList & names , const QString & description , const QString & valueName = QString(), const QString & defaultValue = QString())

Constructs a command line option object with the given arguments.

This overload allows to set multiple names for the option, for instance o and output .

The names of the option are set to names . The names can be either short or long. Any name in the list that is one character in length is a short name. Option names must not be empty, must not start with a dash or a slash character, must not contain a = and cannot be repeated.

描述被设为 description . It is customary to add a "." at the end of the description.

此外, valueName needs to be set if the option expects a value. The default value for the option is set to defaultValue .

In Qt versions before 5.4, this constructor was explicit . In Qt 5.4 and later, it no longer is and can be used for C++11-style uniform initialization:

QCommandLineParser parser;
parser.addOption({{"o", "output"}, "Write generated data into <file>.", "file"});

另请参阅 setDescription (), setValueName (),和 setDefaultValues ().

QCommandLineOption:: QCommandLineOption (const QString & name , const QString & description , const QString & valueName = QString(), const QString & defaultValue = QString())

Constructs a command line option object with the given arguments.

The name of the option is set to name . The name can be either short or long. If the name is one character in length, it is considered a short name. Option names must not be empty, must not start with a dash or a slash character, must not contain a = and cannot be repeated.

描述被设为 description . It is customary to add a "." at the end of the description.

此外, valueName needs to be set if the option expects a value. The default value for the option is set to defaultValue .

In Qt versions before 5.4, this constructor was explicit . In Qt 5.4 and later, it no longer is and can be used for C++11-style uniform initialization:

QCommandLineParser parser;
parser.addOption({"verbose", "Verbose mode. Prints out more information."});

另请参阅 setDescription (), setValueName (),和 setDefaultValues ().

QCommandLineOption:: QCommandLineOption (const QStringList & names )

Constructs a command line option object with the names names .

This overload allows to set multiple names for the option, for instance o and output .

The names can be either short or long. Any name in the list that is one character in length is a short name. Option names must not be empty, must not start with a dash or a slash character, must not contain a = and cannot be repeated.

另请参阅 setDescription (), setValueName (),和 setDefaultValues ().

QCommandLineOption:: QCommandLineOption (const QString & name )

Constructs a command line option object with the name name .

The name can be either short or long. If the name is one character in length, it is considered a short name. Option names must not be empty, must not start with a dash or a slash character, must not contain a = and cannot be repeated.

另请参阅 setDescription (), setValueName (),和 setDefaultValues ().

[since 5.2] QCommandLineOption &QCommandLineOption:: operator= ( QCommandLineOption && other )

移动赋值 other 到此 QCommandLineOption 实例。

该函数在 Qt 5.2 引入。

QCommandLineOption &QCommandLineOption:: operator= (const QCommandLineOption & other )

Makes a copy of the other object and assigns it to this QCommandLineOption 对象。

QCommandLineOption:: ~QCommandLineOption ()


QStringList QCommandLineOption:: defaultValues () const


另请参阅 setDefaultValues ().

QString QCommandLineOption:: description () const


另请参阅 setDescription ().

[since 5.8] QCommandLineOption::Flags QCommandLineOption:: flags () const

Returns a set of flags that affect this command-line option.

该函数在 Qt 5.8 引入。

另请参阅 setFlags () 和 QCommandLineOption::Flags .

QStringList QCommandLineOption:: names () const

Returns the names set for this option.

void QCommandLineOption:: setDefaultValue (const QString & defaultValue )

Sets the default value used for this option to defaultValue .

The default value is used if the user of the application does not specify the option on the command line.

defaultValue is empty, the option has no default values.

另请参阅 defaultValues () 和 setDefaultValues ().

void QCommandLineOption:: setDefaultValues (const QStringList & defaultValues )

Sets the list of default values used for this option to defaultValues .

The default values are used if the user of the application does not specify the option on the command line.

另请参阅 defaultValues () 和 setDefaultValue ().

void QCommandLineOption:: setDescription (const QString & description )

Sets the description used for this option to description .

It is customary to add a "." at the end of the description.

The description is used by QCommandLineParser::showHelp ().

另请参阅 description ().

[since 5.8] void QCommandLineOption:: setFlags ( QCommandLineOption::Flags flags )

Set the set of flags that affect this command-line option to flags .

该函数在 Qt 5.8 引入。

另请参阅 flags () 和 QCommandLineOption::Flags .

void QCommandLineOption:: setValueName (const QString & valueName )

Sets the name of the expected value, for the documentation, to valueName .

Options without a value assigned have a boolean-like behavior: either the user specifies --option or they don't.

Options with a value assigned need to set a name for the expected value, for the documentation of the option in the help output. An option with names o and output , and a value name of file will appear as -o, --output <file> .

调用 QCommandLineParser::value () if you expect the option to be present only once, and QCommandLineParser::values () if you expect that option to be present multiple times.

另请参阅 valueName ().

void QCommandLineOption:: swap ( QCommandLineOption & other )

Swaps option other with this option. This operation is very fast and never fails.

QString QCommandLineOption:: valueName () const



另请参阅 setValueName ().