A widget-based application that uses a dynamically loaded state machine to implement a traffic light.
Traffic Light demonstrates how to connect to the active properties of a state in a dynamically loaded state machine.
UI 是使用 Qt Widgets 创建的。
要运行范例从 Qt Creator ,打开 欢迎 模式,然后选择范例从 范例 。更多信息,拜访 构建和运行范例 .
We link against the Qt SCXML module by adding the following lines to the example's build files.
To .pro when using qmake:
QT += widgets scxml
To CMakeLists.txt when using cmake:
find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core Gui Scxml Widgets) target_link_libraries(trafficlight-widgets-dynamic PRIVATE Qt6::Core Qt6::Gui Qt6::Scxml Qt6::Widgets )
We dynamically create the state machine in trafficlight-widgets-dynamic.cpp :
#include "../trafficlight-common/trafficlight.h" #include <QtWidgets/qapplication.h> #include <QtCore/qiodevice.h> #include <QtCore/qtextstream.h> using namespace Qt::Literals::StringLiterals; int main(int argc, char **argv) { QApplication app(argc, argv); QScxmlStateMachine *machine = QScxmlStateMachine::fromFile(u":statemachine.scxml"_s); if (!machine->parseErrors().isEmpty()) { QTextStream errs(stderr, QIODevice::WriteOnly); const auto errors = machine->parseErrors(); for (const QScxmlError &error : errors) { errs << error.toString(); } return -1; }
And then instantiate it:
TrafficLight widget(machine); widget.show(); machine->setParent(&widget); machine->start(); return app.exec(); }
In the SCXML file, we specify states for each light: red, yellow, and green. In the
element, we specify the event to send when entering the state and the delay in seconds before sending the event. In the
element, we specify the event that triggers the transition to the state specified by the
<state id="red"> <onentry> <send event="startGoingGreen" delay="3s"/> </onentry> <transition event="startGoingGreen" target="redGoingGreen"/> </state> <state id="yellow" initial="greenGoingRed"> <state id="redGoingGreen"> <onentry> <send event="goGreen" delay="1s"/> </onentry> <transition event="goGreen" target="green"/> </state> <state id="greenGoingRed"> <onentry> <send event="goRed" delay="1s"/> </onentry> <transition event="goRed" target="red"/> </state> </state> <state id="green"> <onentry> <send event="startGoingRed" delay="3s"/> </onentry> <transition event="startGoingRed" target="greenGoingRed"/> </state>
We connect to the states as follows:
machine->connectToState(u"red"_s, widget->redLight(), &LightWidget::switchLight); machine->connectToState(u"redGoingGreen"_s, widget->redLight(), &LightWidget::switchLight); machine->connectToState(u"yellow"_s, widget->yellowLight(), &LightWidget::switchLight); machine->connectToState(u"blinking"_s, widget->yellowLight(), &LightWidget::switchLight); machine->connectToState(u"green"_s, widget->greenLight(), &LightWidget::switchLight);