Logfile Position Source shows how to create and work with a custom position source. It can be useful for simulating GPS data, or when the data is received in some custom format.
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In this example, the data is read from a text file, simplelog.txt . The file specifies position data using a simple text format: it contains one position update per line, where each line contains a date/time, a latitude and a longitude, separated by spaces. The date/time is in ISO 8601 format and the latitude and longitude are in degrees decimal format. Here is an excerpt from simplelog.txt :
2009-08-24T22:25:01 -27.576082 153.092415 2009-08-24T22:25:02 -27.576223 153.092530 2009-08-24T22:25:03 -27.576364 153.092648
We create a custom
class, which derives from
. It reads position data from the file and distributes it via the
() 信号。
The resulting time and position information is then displayed on the screen as simple text in date/time and latitude/longitude format.
Here is the definition of the
class LogFilePositionSource : public QGeoPositionInfoSource { Q_OBJECT public: LogFilePositionSource(QObject *parent = 0); QGeoPositionInfo lastKnownPosition(bool satelliteMethodsOnly = false) const override; PositioningMethods supportedPositioningMethods() const override; int minimumUpdateInterval() const override; Error error() const override; public slots: virtual void startUpdates() override; virtual void stopUpdates() override; virtual void requestUpdate(int timeout = 5000) override; private slots: void readNextPosition(); private: QFile *logFile; QTimer *timer; QGeoPositionInfo lastPosition; Error lastError = QGeoPositionInfoSource::NoError; };
The main methods overrided by the subclass are:
When a position update is available, the subclass emits the positionUpdated () 信号。
Here are the key methods in the class implementation:
LogFilePositionSource::LogFilePositionSource(QObject *parent) : QGeoPositionInfoSource(parent), logFile(new QFile(this)), timer(new QTimer(this)) { connect(timer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &LogFilePositionSource::readNextPosition); logFile->setFileName(":/simplelog.txt"); if (!logFile->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) qWarning() << "Error: cannot open source file" << logFile->fileName(); } void LogFilePositionSource::startUpdates() { lastError = QGeoPositionInfoSource::NoError; int interval = updateInterval(); if (interval < minimumUpdateInterval()) interval = minimumUpdateInterval(); timer->start(interval); } void LogFilePositionSource::stopUpdates() { timer->stop(); } void LogFilePositionSource::requestUpdate(int /*timeout*/) { // For simplicity, ignore timeout - assume that if data is not available // now, no data will be added to the file later lastError = QGeoPositionInfoSource::NoError; if (logFile->canReadLine()) { readNextPosition(); } else { lastError = QGeoPositionInfoSource::UpdateTimeoutError; emit QGeoPositionInfoSource::errorOccurred(lastError); } } void LogFilePositionSource::readNextPosition() { QByteArray line = logFile->readLine().trimmed(); if (!line.isEmpty()) { QList<QByteArray> data = line.split(' '); double latitude; double longitude; bool hasLatitude = false; bool hasLongitude = false; QDateTime timestamp = QDateTime::fromString(QString(data.value(0)), Qt::ISODate); latitude = data.value(1).toDouble(&hasLatitude); longitude = data.value(2).toDouble(&hasLongitude); if (hasLatitude && hasLongitude && timestamp.isValid()) { QGeoCoordinate coordinate(latitude, longitude); QGeoPositionInfo info(coordinate, timestamp); if (info.isValid()) { lastPosition = info; emit positionUpdated(info); } } } }