A Qt Quick PDF viewer that views one page at a time.
PDF Single Page Viewer Example 演示如何使用 PdfScrollablePageView component to render PDF documents and search for text in them.
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Instantiate an ApplicationWindow , bind its title to the title of the PDF document, and create a toolbar:
ApplicationWindow { id: root width: 800 height: 1024 color: "lightgrey" title: document.title visible: true required property url source // for main.cpp property real scaleStep: Math.sqrt(2) header: ToolBar { RowLayout { anchors.fill: parent anchors.rightMargin: 6
The toolbar has buttons for most of the common actions, plus a SpinBox to show and control the current page number:
ToolButton { action: Action { shortcut: StandardKey.Open icon.source: "qrc:/singlepage/resources/document-open.svg" onTriggered: fileDialog.open() } } ToolButton { action: Action { shortcut: StandardKey.ZoomIn enabled: view.sourceSize.width < 10000 icon.source: "qrc:/singlepage/resources/zoom-in.svg" onTriggered: view.renderScale *= root.scaleStep } } ToolButton { action: Action { shortcut: StandardKey.ZoomOut ... SpinBox { id: currentPageSB from: 1 to: document.pageCount editable: true value: view.currentPage + 1 ...
Add dialogs to inform the user when an error occurs and to prompt for a password if required:
Dialog { id: passwordDialog title: "Password" standardButtons: Dialog.Ok | Dialog.Cancel modal: true closePolicy: Popup.CloseOnEscape anchors.centerIn: parent width: 300 contentItem: TextField { id: passwordField placeholderText: qsTr("Please provide the password") echoMode: TextInput.Password width: parent.width onAccepted: passwordDialog.accept() } onOpened: function() { passwordField.forceActiveFocus() } onAccepted: document.password = passwordField.text } Dialog { id: errorDialog title: "Error loading " + document.source standardButtons: Dialog.Close modal: true closePolicy: Popup.CloseOnEscape anchors.centerIn: parent width: 300 visible: document.status === PdfDocument.Error contentItem: Label { id: errorField text: document.error } }
添加 main 组件 PdfScrollablePageView :
PdfScrollablePageView { id: view anchors.fill: parent anchors.leftMargin: searchDrawer.position * searchDrawer.width document: PdfDocument { id: document source: Qt.resolvedUrl(root.source) onPasswordRequired: passwordDialog.open() } searchString: searchField.text }
A Drawer holds a ListView to show search results from the searchModel :
Drawer { id: searchDrawer edge: Qt.LeftEdge // modal: false // dim: false // commented out as workaround for QTBUG-83859 width: 300 y: root.header.height height: view.height clip: true ListView { id: searchResultsList anchors.fill: parent anchors.margins: 2 model: view.searchModel currentIndex: view.searchModel.currentResult ScrollBar.vertical: ScrollBar { } delegate: ItemDelegate { id: resultDelegate required property int index required property int page required property string contextBefore required property string contextAfter width: parent ? parent.width : 0 RowLayout { anchors.fill: parent spacing: 0 Label { text: "Page " + (resultDelegate.page + 1) + ": " } Label { text: resultDelegate.contextBefore elide: Text.ElideLeft horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width / 2 } Label { font.bold: true text: view.searchString width: implicitWidth } Label { text: resultDelegate.contextAfter elide: Text.ElideRight Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width / 2 } } highlighted: ListView.isCurrentItem onClicked: view.searchModel.currentResult = resultDelegate.index } } }
Finally, add a second toolbar as a footer, to hold the search field, search up/down buttons and some status information:
footer: ToolBar { height: footerRow.implicitHeight RowLayout { id: footerRow anchors.fill: parent ToolButton { action: Action { icon.source: "qrc:/singlepage/resources/go-up-search.svg" shortcut: StandardKey.FindPrevious onTriggered: view.searchBack() } ToolTip.visible: enabled && hovered ToolTip.delay: 2000 ToolTip.text: "find previous" } TextField { id: searchField placeholderText: "search" Layout.minimumWidth: 150 Layout.maximumWidth: 300 Layout.fillWidth: true onAccepted: searchDrawer.open() Image { visible: searchField.text !== "" source: "qrc:/singlepage/resources/edit-clear.svg" anchors { right: parent.right top: parent.top bottom: parent.bottom margins: 3 rightMargin: 5 } TapHandler { onTapped: searchField.clear() } } } ToolButton { action: Action { icon.source: "qrc:/singlepage/resources/go-down-search.svg" shortcut: StandardKey.FindNext onTriggered: view.searchForward() } ToolTip.visible: enabled && hovered ToolTip.delay: 2000 ToolTip.text: "find next" } Label { Layout.fillWidth: true property size implicitPointSize: document.pagePointSize(view.currentPage) text: "page " + (view.currentPage + 1) + " of " + document.pageCount + " scale " + view.renderScale.toFixed(2) + " original " + implicitPointSize.width.toFixed(1) + "x" + implicitPointSize.height.toFixed(1) + "pts" visible: document.status === PdfDocument.Ready } } } }
另请参阅 PDF 多页查看器范例 .