
Add targets to generate or update Qt Linguist .ts files.

命令的定义在 LinguistTools 组件对于 Qt6 包。加载包采用:

find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS LinguistTools)

该命令在 Qt 6.2 引入。


Since 6.7:

qt_add_lupdate(TS_FILES file1.ts [file2.ts ...]
               [PLURALS_TS_FILE file.ts]
               [SOURCE_TARGETS target1 [target2 ...]]
               [SOURCES source1.cpp [sources2.cpp ...]]
               [INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES directory1 [directory2 ...]]
               [LUPDATE_TARGET target-name]
               [OPTIONS ...])

Since 6.2 (deprecated):

qt_add_lupdate(target TS_FILES file1.ts [file2.ts ...]
               [SOURCES source1.cpp [sources2.cpp ...]]
               [INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES directory1 [directory2 ...]]
               [OPTIONS ...])

无版本命令 被禁用,使用 qt6_add_lupdate() 代替。它支持如此命令的一组相同自变量。


Creates a custom target to generate or update Qt Linguist .ts files with lupdate .

The name of that custom target defaults to ${PROJECT_NAME}_lupdate . Further calls of qt_add_lupdate will create target names with an increasing number appended. The custom target name can be specified with the LUPDATE_TARGET 选项。

With the SOURCE_TARGETS argument you can specify a list of targets that contain sources with translatable strings. If SOURCE_TARGETS is not specified, you can specify SOURCES , which is described below. If neither SOURCE_TARGETS nor SOURCES is given, the command qt_collect_translation_source_targets is called to retrieve the list of targets.

The .ts files must be specified with the argument TS_FILES .

This function is designed to be used in conjunction with qt_add_lrelease . See also the convenience wrapper qt_add_translations .

Sources and Include Directories

采用 SOURCES you can explicitly specify additional source files that contain translatable strings.

可以使用 INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES to explicitly specify include directories for those source files.


可以设置额外 选项 that should be passed when lupdate is invoked. You can find possible options in the lupdate documentation .

Umbrella Target

In addition to the target ${target}_lupdate , an umbrella target update_translations is created. This target will build all ${target}_lupdate targets that were created with qt_add_lupdate .

Pass NO_GLOBAL_TARGET to qt_add_lupdate to prevent this behavior.

The name of this target can be overridden by setting the variable QT_GLOBAL_LUPDATE_TARGET before calling qt_add_lupdate .

Plural Forms

QT_I18N_SOURCE_LANGUAGE specifies the language in which the source code strings are written. For handling plural forms correctly, create an additional .ts file for that language that only contains translatable strings for plural forms. See 句柄复数形式 了解细节。

采用 PLURALS_TS_FILE you can specify the .ts file for the source language. This file will only contain plural forms.

Deprecated Command Signature

Older versions of qt_add_lupdate took a target as the first argument. This is deprecated. Use the SOURCE_TARGETS argument instead.


Add the targets myapp_lupdate and update_translations for updating the .ts file of an application myapp .

    TS_FILES myapp_de.ts
    PLURALS_TS_FILE myapp_en.ts

You can specify the name of the created target by passing the LUPDATE_TARGET 自变量:

    LUPDATE_TARGET update_application_translations
    TS_FILES myapp_de.ts
    PLURALS_TS_FILE myapp_en.ts