
Generates the deployment settings file needed by androiddeployqt.

命令的定义在 核心 组件对于 Qt6 包,可以像这样加载:

find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core)

该命令在 Qt 6.0 引入。

警告: This command is deprecated since Qt 6.5. Use qt_add_executable 代替。

注意: This command should only be called if targeting the Android platform.



无版本命令 被禁用,使用 qt6_android_generate_deployment_settings() 代替。它支持如此命令的一组相同自变量。


The androiddeployqt tool expects a deployment settings file as input. This command reads CMake variables and properties of the target to generate such a file in the target's binary directory. Upon return, the full path to this file is available in the target's QT_ANDROID_DEPLOYMENT_SETTINGS_FILE 特性。

CMake 变量

A number of variables are used while generating the deployment settings file. Some are provided by Qt, others by CMake or the Android NDK.


The properties below will be read from the specified target . Note that this command is called as part of target finalization (see qt_finalize_target() ). If you are using qt_add_executable() to create the target and you need to modify some of these target properties, you need to ensure that target finalization is deferred. See qt_add_executable() for how to accomplish this.

Upon return, the QT_ANDROID_DEPLOYMENT_SETTINGS_FILE target property will contain the location of the generated deployment settings file.



另请参阅 qt_android_add_apk_target() and qt_finalize_target() .