Product Names

Use the following macros to refer to products:

Macro Expands To
\macos macOS
\QA Qt Assistant
\QB Qt Bridge
\QBF Qt Bridge for Figma
\QBPS Qt Bridge for Adobe Photoshop
\QBSK Qt Bridge for Sketch
\QBXD Qt Bridge for Adobe XD
\QD Qt Designer
\QDS Qt Design Studio
\QDV Qt Design Viewer
\QL Qt Linguist
\QMCU Qt for MCUs
\QMLLS QML 语言服务器
\QMT Qt Maintenance Tool
\QOI Qt 在线安装程序
\QQV Qt QML Viewer
\QtAA Qt for Android Automotive
\QUL Qt Quick Ultralite

另请参阅 macro and .

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