Qt Quick 3D 范例和教程

Hello Qt Quick 3D Example

Demonstrates simple instanced drawing.

Qt Quick 3D - 抗锯齿范例

演示 Qt Quick 3D 中的抗锯齿模式。

Qt Quick 3D - Baked Lightmap Example

Demonstrates the use of baked lightmaps in a 3D scene.

Qt Quick 3D - 自定义效果范例


Qt Quick 3D - 自定义几何图形范例

Demonstrates providing custom vertex data from C++ and QML.

Qt Quick 3D - Custom Instanced Rendering

Demonstrates instancing with custom materials and a C++ instance table.

Qt Quick 3D - 自定义材质范例


Qt Quick 3D - Custom Morphing Animation

Demonstrates writing C++ custom geometry with a morph target.

Qt Quick 3D - 自定义着色器范例


Qt Quick 3D - 动态模型创建范例


Qt Quick 3D - HelloCube 范例

演示如何在 Qt Quick 3D 中一起渲染 2D 和 3D 对象。

Qt Quick 3D - Instanced Rendering Example

Demonstrates how to do instanced rendering in Qt Quick 3D.

Qt Quick 3D - 介绍

演示如何在 Qt Quick 3D 中渲染场景。

Qt Quick 3D - Level of Detail Helper Example

Demonstrates the use of level of detail helper.

Qt Quick 3D - 灯光范例


Qt Quick 3D - Morphing Example

Demonstrates how to control morphing animations in Qt Quick 3D.

Qt Quick 3D - Particles 3D Testbed Example

Demonstrates how to use the Qt Quick 3D Particles3D module.

Qt Quick 3D - 拾取范例


Qt Quick 3D - Principled 材质范例

演示 Principled 材质的用法。

Qt Quick 3D - 程序纹理范例

Demonstrates how to provide custom texture data from C++ or QML.

Qt Quick 3D - 快速球范例

演示如何使用 Quick3D 创建简单游戏。

Qt Quick 3D - Quick 项范例

演示 Quick 3D 场景中 Qt Quick 项的用法。

Qt Quick 3D - Reflection Probes Example

Demonstrates the use of reflection probes in Qt Quick 3D.

Qt Quick 3D - RuntimeLoader Example

Demonstrates how assets can be loaded at runtime.

Qt Quick 3D - Scene Effects Example

Demonstrates the use of ExtendedSceneEnvironment.

Qt Quick 3D - Screen Space Reflections Example

Demonstrates reflections in Qt Quick 3D.

Qt Quick 3D - Simple Fog Example

Demonstrates how to enable fog in the 3D scene.

Qt Quick 3D - 简单蒙皮范例

演示如何在 Qt Quick 3D 中渲染简单蒙皮动画。

Qt Quick 3D - 子网格范例


Qt Quick 3D - View3D 范例

演示使用 View3D 从多台摄像机展示场景。