Qt for iOS - 从源代码构建

Building Qt for iOS from sources requires Xcode with Command Line Tools installed. You can install Xcode Command Line Tools directly using xcode-select –install from you terminal or as a package using Homebrew . Qt sources can be obtained either by cloning the repositories or downloading the source package(s).

You can then configure and build Qt. This is done from the Qt top directory:

> ./configure -platform macx-ios-clang -release -qt-host-path <path_to_host_qt_installation>

注意: configure always uses the Ninja generator and build tool if a ninja executable is available. Ninja is cross-platform, feature-rich, performant, and recommended on all platforms. The use of other generators might work but is not officially supported.

For other configure options, see Qt 配置选项 .

Then, simply run cmake --build . --parallel .

注意: A default build will include both simulator and device libraries. If you want to build for a single target, use the -sdk argument with either iphoneos or iphonesimulator .