Qt SCXML 范例应用程序演示功能提供通过 Qt SCXML 模块。

There are multiple versions of the Traffic Light example application. The application has shared common files, and in addition specific files for each version of the application, under their respective folders. They demonstrate the different options for creating user interfaces (using Qt Widgets or Qt Quick ) and for loading the SCXML dynamically versus first compiling it to a C++ class (the static versions).

SCXML Calculator

An application that implements the Calculator example presented in the SCXML Specification.


使用状态机实现简单 FTP 客户端。

SCXML Invoke


SCXML Media Player

发送数据到 C++ 数据模型和接收数据从 C++ 数据模型。

SCXML Sudoku

Demonstrates the use of separate javascript file with SCXML.

SCXML Traffic Light (Dynamic, QML)

A Qt Quick application that uses a dynamically loaded state machine to implement a traffic light.

SCXML Traffic Light (Dynamic, Widgets)

A widget-based application that uses a dynamically loaded state machine to implement a traffic light.

SCXML Traffic Light (Simple, QML)

A Qt Quick application that uses a compiled state machine to implement a simplified traffic light.

SCXML Traffic Light (Static, QML)

A Qt Quick application that uses a compiled state machine to implement a traffic light.

SCXML Traffic Light (Static, Widgets)

A widget-based application that uses a compiled state machine to implement a traffic light.