

Screen Shot of the Pagefold style sheet

The Style Sheet example shows how widgets can be styled using Qt Style Sheets. You can open the style editor by selecting File > Edit Style Sheet, to select an existing style sheet or design your own style and load it.

The Style Sheet example consists of 2 classes:

  • MainWindow
  • StyleSheetEditor

MainWindow 类

MainWindow 继承 QWidget , and is the application's main window defined in mainwindow.ui . The style of MainWindow can be modified with StyleSheetEditor .

StyleSheetEditor 类

StyleSheetEditor enables you to open an editor where you can load an existing style sheet. It is also possible to define a new stylesheet and load it. Its layout is defined in stylesheeteditor.ui .

    connect(ui.styleCombo, &QComboBox::textActivated, this, &StyleSheetEditor::setStyleName);

设置指定 styleName and grays the applyButton .

    connect(ui.styleSheetCombo, &QComboBox::textActivated, this, &StyleSheetEditor::setStyleSheetName);

Loads the stylesheet from styleSheetName .

void StyleSheetEditor::setModified()

Enables the applyButton when the text in the buffer has changed.

void StyleSheetEditor::apply()

Sets the stylesheet properties in qApp and disables the applyButton .

void StyleSheetEditor::loadStyleSheet(const QString &sheetName)

加载指定 sheetName , and sets its properties in qApp .

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