使用 VectorCAN 插件

The VectorCAN plugin encapsulates the low-level API to work with the Vector Informatik CAN 适配器。

This plugin requires the Vector CAN device drivers and the vxlapi.dll (vxlapi64.dll for 64 bit builds).

创建 CAN 总线设备

At first it is necessary to check that QCanBus provides the desired plugin:

if (QCanBus::instance()->plugins().contains(QStringLiteral("vectorcan"))) {
    // plugin available

Where vectorcan 是插件名称。

Next, a connection to a specific interface can be established:

QString errorString;
QCanBusDevice *device = QCanBus::instance()->createDevice(
    QStringLiteral("vectorcan"), QStringLiteral("can0"), &errorString);
if (!device) {
    // Error handling goes here
    qDebug << errorString;
} else {

Where can0 is the active CAN channel name. The VectorCAN plugin provides 64 channels (defined by XL_CONFIG_MAX_CHANNELS in the Vector API) from can0 to can63 . Some of these channels can be virtual, and therefore can be used without actual CAN hardware. To find out the virtual channels, the program "Vector Hardware Config" (vcanconf.exe) can be used, which is included in Vector's driver package. The availableDevices () method returns a list of currently available devices.

The device is now open for writing and reading CAN frames:

QCanBusFrame frame;
QByteArray payload("A36E");

The reading can be done using the readFrame () 方法。 framesReceived () signal is emitted when at least one new frame is available for reading:

QCanBusFrame frame = device->readFrame();

VectorCAN supports the following configurations that can be controlled through setConfigurationParameter ():

配置参数键 描述
QCanBusDevice::BitRateKey 确定 CAN 总线连接的比特率。
QCanBusDevice::ReceiveOwnKey The reception of the CAN frames on the same device that was sending the CAN frame is disabled by default. When enabling this option, all CAN frames sent to the CAN bus immediately appear in the receive buffer. This can be used to check if sending was successful. If this option is enabled, the therefore received frames are marked with QCanBusFrame::hasLocalEcho ()
QCanBusDevice::CanFdKey Enable the use of CAN FD on the CAN bus connection. If this option is enabled, then it is not possible to receive your own CAN frames being sent, so setting QCanBusDevice::ReceiveOwnKey to true has no effect. Since Qt 5.15.
QCanBusDevice::DataBitRateKey Determines the data bit rate of the CAN bus connection. This is only available when QCanBusDevice::CanFdKey 被设为 true。从 Qt 5.15 起。

VectorCAN 支持下列额外功能: