范例发送/接收 CAN Bus 帧。
范例发送/接收 CAN Bus 帧。传入帧根据其类型进行排序。提供调节 CAN Bus 连接参数的连接对话框。
Key Qt Serial Bus 类被用于此范例:
实例化的 QCanBusDevice 被要求履行任何 CAN 通信。
allows to specify all the required parameters. After that the device is created using the provided plugin and interface names:
QString errorString; m_canDevice.reset(QCanBus::instance()->createDevice(p.pluginName, p.deviceInterfaceName, &errorString)); connect(m_canDevice.get(), &QCanBusDevice::errorOccurred, this, &MainWindow::processErrors); connect(m_canDevice.get(), &QCanBusDevice::framesReceived, this, &MainWindow::processReceivedFrames); connect(m_canDevice.get(), &QCanBusDevice::framesWritten, this, &MainWindow::processFramesWritten);
The established connections allow to process incoming frames, control the sent frames and handle errors.
When the device is created, use QCanBusDevice::connectDevice () to start the communication.
QCanBusDevice 发射 framesReceived () signal when new frames are available. The readFrame () method can be used to read a single QCanBusFrame while there are available frames . Once the frame is received, individual parameters such as frameId , timeStamp ,或 payload can be extracted from it:
while (m_canDevice->framesAvailable()) { m_numberFramesReceived++; const QCanBusFrame frame = m_canDevice->readFrame(); QString data; if (frame.frameType() == QCanBusFrame::ErrorFrame) data = m_canDevice->interpretErrorFrame(frame); else data = QString::fromLatin1(frame.payload().toHex(' ').toUpper()); const QString time = QString::fromLatin1("%1.%2 ") .arg(frame.timeStamp().seconds(), 10, 10, ' '_L1) .arg(frame.timeStamp().microSeconds() / 100, 4, 10, '0'_L1); const QString flags = frameFlags(frame); const QString id = QString::number(frame.frameId(), 16).toUpper(); const QString dlc = QString::number(frame.payload().size()); m_model->appendFrame(QStringList({QString::number(m_numberFramesReceived), time, flags, id, dlc, data})); }
To send custom data over the CAN bus, the user needs to provide at least a frameId 和 payload . Optionally other QCanBusFrame parameters can be configured:
const uint frameId = m_ui->frameIdEdit->text().toUInt(nullptr, 16); QString data = m_ui->payloadEdit->text(); m_ui->payloadEdit->setText(formatHexData(data)); const QByteArray payload = QByteArray::fromHex(data.remove(u' ').toLatin1()); QCanBusFrame frame = QCanBusFrame(frameId, payload); frame.setExtendedFrameFormat(m_ui->extendedFormatBox->isChecked()); frame.setFlexibleDataRateFormat(m_ui->flexibleDataRateBox->isChecked()); frame.setBitrateSwitch(m_ui->bitrateSwitchBox->isChecked()); if (m_ui->errorFrame->isChecked()) frame.setFrameType(QCanBusFrame::ErrorFrame); else if (m_ui->remoteFrame->isChecked()) frame.setFrameType(QCanBusFrame::RemoteRequestFrame);
Once the frame is prepared, the QCanBusDevice::writeFrame () method can be used to send it:
要运行范例从 Qt Creator ,打开 Welcome 模式,然后选择范例从 Examples 。更多信息,拜访 构建和运行范例 .